
Wow Key I don't hate you and I didn't mean to make you feel like I hated you.

Well Johnny how would you think I would feel? You never told me you love me the whole time we been married you tricked me into a pregnancy and you never been down to my shop and I'm about to open another one. So Johnny how would you think I would feel and then Key started crying something she never done in front of Johnny before.

I'm so sorry Key you right why would you think I love you or even care about you when I have never shown it or never told you. I'll been a asshole and it's only because I never thought you was with me for me just because of what I had.

Johnny you never gave me a chance you gave a contract and told me to sign and then we was married. You never let me get to know you and that was why you felt how you felt about me.

You right Key but let's do this,


If I let you get to know me and fall in love with me before the baby is born I will destroy the contract, but if by the time the baby get here and you still want to go because the contract will be up I will let you with no fight and I will give you everything in the contract and child support and a million dollars.

Johnny are you serious? Why are you doing this?

Because Key I want my marriage but I want it the right way not by force. I know our child was not made by love but I want them to come into love. So can you give me a try? truthfully you have nothing to lose.

You right I don't but I will give it a chance not because of what you offering but because I really want to know who Johnny.