Bed time

So are you ready to go to bed my wife?

That I'm it's been a long day Johnny walks over to her and lift her off her feet's and carry her upstairs and lay her down on the bed.

Thank you Johnny are you picking my night clothes tonight or can I?

You can start doing that yourself if you like.

Well I don't mind if you want to do it sometime too.

I'm glad to know that I know with the baby growing you going want to wear more comfortable things to bed.

That is true but I still want to be sexy to.

Oh really umm thank you Key I would like that.

Johnny I know all this going be new for both of us and I know it was many things that you was used to in our marriage that I will still try to keep for you.

Why would you do that Key?

Johnny even do our marriage was a contract I still wanted to be a wife and with being a wife it means pleasing your husband and meeting his needs.

Well Key it's time for me to start being a husband and meeting my wife's needs too.

I would appreciate that so can you just hold me tonight I would so enjoy that.

If that's what you want tonight then that is what I will do let me shower and my arms are all your tonight. As Johnny walk away to the bathroom Key grab a nice t shirt and that's it and got into bed.

Johnny gets into the bed and goes to pull Key towards him and realize she only have on a t shirt and smile. He whisperer into her ears, Thank you wife and pull her into his arms and he dozed off to sleep.

Key open her eyes and looks into the dark and thinks to herself I hope I know what I'm doing and how I'm going to deal with David?