Running late

Key was in the shower getting ready for her day and she heard her phone ringing

Hey Johnny can you get that please?

Sure Johnny answer Key phone Hello

Who is this?

This is her husband may I asked who is this?

I'm sorry Johnny this is David I'm not used to anybody else answering Key phone but herself.

Yea I understand she in the shower right now David do you want me to tell her to call you back?

No it's okay I was just calling her to let her know I will be running a little late today got something to take care of.

Okay I'll let her know you have a good day.

You too Johnny.

Once David hung up all kinds of thoughts was going through his mind. Johnny has never answer Key phone before so what the hell was that all about and Key usually bring her phone wherever she at even in the bathroom so what the fuck. When I get to the job me and Key have a lot to talk about because I can't let Johnny get into her mind it took me to long to get her on my side and finally agree to what I want I will not lose it now.

Hey Johnny who was that on the phone?

Oh it was David he was just calling to let you know that he going be late today he have something he needs to take care of.

Okay well I better get ready then I don't want to leave Sharon down there by herself to open up.

Okay love well I'll see you later tonight then do you want to eat out tonight? That will be nice since it seems like I'm going to be having a busy day.

Well remember don't over do it please

I know Johnny don't worry I want.

As Key driving to work she starts thinking what do David has to do today that he going be late. I have to keep David feeling like I'm still down with his plan as I also working on my plans with Johnny. I need to figure out what's going on with both of these men's in my life and what they both up too since I'm the middle person here.