It will get done

Hey David everything okay with you? You haven't been like yourself the past week.

I'm okay Sharon thanks for asking just been dealing with some personal stuff but you go ahead I'll finish cleaning up and close this place up.

Are you sure it seems like you should leave and get some air.

No I'm okay you go ahead love.

Okay I'll see you tomorrow have a good night.

You too see you tomorrow

Once Sharon left David sat down and took a breath. Okay David pull yourself together if Sharon can tell you off some what you think Key thinking. Bad enough I feel her pulling away from me and I need to figure shit out to get her back I don't need her second guessing me now. I love Key but what makes her special the life she living my sister should of been living it but know she's in a nursing home and will never be able to enjoy life again. And it's all her husband fault if she wants to believe it or not so everything has to happen the way I want it for my family will be happy even if they believe it or not it has to be done.