Checking up on me

Key was just waking up from her nap when she heard her phone ringing

Hey Key love it's David I'm just checking on you

Hey David I'm doing a little better I'm just waking up this pregnancy is more then I thought it would be

Yea I bet since this is your first your body trying to adjust to something new

That is so true and so I'm I because all of this is new

So would you like for me to bring you anything?

No I'm okay David thank you so much and tomorrow we go look at the new shop so I'll be ready

I know you will Key I'm glad you still sticking to everything.

Key got quite yes David I'm why wouldn't I?

No reason I know so much is going on with you I'm just glad you not changing.

I will never change David I'm just learning new things for my new life, but I'm about to get up wash my face and see what I can eat.

Okay Key I'm glad you doing better and I will see you tomorrow hopefully you like this place and the location.

I'm sure I will David thank you see you tomorrow.

David holding the phone in his hand what do she mean she learning new things for her new life?

Key holding the phone in her hand yes David I'm changing and then Johnny walks in

Key are you okay?

Umm yes what are you doing home early Johnny?

I just wanted to make sure you was okay and not alone and I can finish up everything I need from the office in the house are you sure you okay?

Yes Johnny just had got off the phone with David was just talking about going to see hopefully the second shop tomorrow.

Okay remember I don't want nothing stressing you out

I know Johnny I'm about to get up and get something to eat and then go sit in the backyard never know might do some writing.

Wow you haven't wrote in years

Yea I know maybe it's time