Chapter 1: All of a Sudden

Nathan's POV

Welcome to the Town of La Riz. A small town with only 500 people. One mistake you made, the whole town were gossipping about it the other day. There were about 100 families here. One mall, one library, two schools, one public market, and a chapel inside of the woods.

The two schools were rivals, literally the enemies of each other. And also there's a beautiful beach, a lake resort, a prison and a diner.

I am currently a grade 12 senior high school student. Inside a bus, our service to school. We do have two cars and I don't know why my Mom always wants me to ride this service bus.

"Hey, dumbass weirdo! What are you up to?" Sheena, my best friend, jumped right onto me.

"To my class? Where I'm supposed to go?" I asked sarcastically.

"I don't know. You're always at the library last year, doing you're business and completely ignoring me." She said, guilt-tripping me.

"What do you want, Sheena?" I asked.

"Um, come with me. I'm gonna show you something." She said and then grabbed my arms.

We went to some abandoned classroom. Well, I wouldn't say abandoned anymore because she already cleaned it. Last year, this room looks like a haunted house. Or a serial killer killing grounds.

"What is this place, Sheen?" I asked.

"This is my investigation room. I just found out that the people started vanishing into thin air since year 2016. Up to now, but this time they were brutally murdered." She said, making me look at her.

"Are you fucking serious? I would love to be a part of it." I said.

"Since when did I joke about murders? I am effin serious, Nate! So what can you see?" She asked.

"A murder board, pictures of past serial killers. Though, it was from the other town. Uh, an obituary and a word sinner." I said obviously.

"You're damn right, but these serial killers we're from the other town." She said, making me look at her wondering.

"Then there were from here?" I asked.

"Yes. And, th-they w-were... uhm" She's stuttering, couldn't continue what she was about to say.

"Just spit it out, Sheen." I said.

She didn't move nor talk, instead, she just gave me a part of the newspaper.

"What is this?" I asked then eventually look at the newspaper.

"Gregorio Alvero, arrested for the crime of murder in 1997-2000. Ferdinand Alvero, arrested for the crime of murder in 2006-2010." I read the newspaper. I know these men. They're my grandpa and uncle.

"Where the hell did you get these papers? Are you sure this wasn't fabricated?" I asked, my grandpa and uncle, I was told they were good men. They helped to clean this town, said by grandma and Dad.

"Yes. I get these papers from the public library." She said.

"So you suspect it was my father? Who's doing the killing?" I said. I can take it though, I believe in her.

"Yes. But I won't put his picture in this murder board until I get more evidence. Besides, the sheriff won't do such thing. I mean, he's protecting this town ever since he accepted the job. I know it because he saved my life." She said, sadly and you can see a bit of disappointment in her eyes.

"Saved you from what? Why don't I know about any of this?" I asked, this time I am about to explode. I can't control my temper anymore.

"Just fucking relax, all right? I didn't tell you because you were too busy reading in the library. I almost got raped. By your cousin, Chris." She said, and I didn't know what happened next.

Chris fell off the couch soon as my fist landed on his face.

"Dude, what the hell is your problem?" He shouted at me, looking so angry but I am too furious to give a damn about him.

I punched him once more, and again, and again, and again. Until the next thing I know is we were in the hospital. He's still concussed because of what I did to him. The nurse were treating my knuckles, it was swollen by what happened earlier.

"You almost killed your cousin. What the hell is wrong with you?" My Dad showed up just about time.

"I just get my vengeance. For what he's done to Sheena." I said, "He deserves the worst." I added.

"All right, Son. I know your mad, but keep your anger under control." He ordered me and how can I refuse?

"Of course I am mad, but you're also right." I ended the conversation as soon as the nurse covered my knuckles with a bandage.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He asked and I didn't answer him. I stormed out of the hospital, back to my class.


My class were already done soon as I went to my room. So I have no choice but to walk straight home. The bus already left, and Sheena was there.

Soon as my foot reached the doorstep, I found a note lying on the doormat. It was color red. I opened it and read what was written.

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

I kill sinners,

So trust only a few."

I immediately called Sheena. She answered the call after three rings.

"What the hell, Sheen? Why would you put a note in front of my doorstep, threatening me?" I asked her.

"What are you talking about? What note? Seriously, in your doorstep? I haven't been in your house for like two weeks now." She said, giving me goosebumps.

"Come here right now, quickly." I told her and then hung up.They were watching news when I got home.

"The body of a dead boy was found in La Riz Lake Resort. Authorities say it was pretty brutal for his face was wiped out, hands mutilated, skinned to the bone and has no teeth."

My Mom puked after she heard the news. I wanted to throw up too, but I haven't eaten anything yet so I don't know what to throw up.

The door bell rang so I went to welcome Sheena. We went to my room and I gave her the note I found. Before she could even open it, we saw a black note on my vanity table.

I opened it and read what was written.

"Another sinner down,

I am cleaning this town.

I want retribution,

This town did nothing but full pretention."

You can see the shock, evident in our eyes. Fear took over our bodies, frightened for our town. All of a sudden, the beautiful town of La Riz, became a hunting ground of a murderer. All of a sudden, the happiest people of this town, are now frightened for their life might be in line.