Chapter 2: Tyranny

Nathan's POV

It was a terrific night we had. Mom is terrified even when going to her work. The reaper had us frightened, all of us. Little did he know that we're up too something. Something that will stop him from abducting and killing.

Sheena and I are here in her investigation room. We're talking about our own conspiracy theories. I even put my Dad's picture in her murder board. He's one of the suspects now.

The other night, Dad came home late. And when he did, I noticed a stain of blood in his uniform. It was small stain only but why would he have it?

"Hey, bro what's the matter? You look like hell." Sheena said, noticing my absurd face because I didn't get enough sleep. Hell, I haven't even been asleep since last night.

"What if my Dad is the serial killer? He's only using his job as a sheriff to be his front?" I asked her. It's so frustrating, up to some point that anytime I will have seizure.

"If he is, then we have to focus our eyes on him." She suggested and I agree.

So we collected stuffs from my Dad, which he was clueless. He doesn't need to know this, I am trying to protect him. To save him from the darkness. Knife, keys, gun, bullets, pictures and anything that we can find incriminating. I even put a bug under his table, so if he says anything incriminating, we can record it and bring it to a lawyer.

As we went to our investigation room, we notice that the cases or newspapers we found was shredded into pieces. We don't have copies of it, how we're gonna know the truth?

"Sheen, do you see what I see?" I said with my trembling lips.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, it's okay. I knew times like this will come one day." She said and then grin.

"Why do you sound like it's the best thing ever? The only thing that can lead us to the truth were just shredded into pieces." I said.

"Yes. I know that, which is why you have to look at your back." She smirked.

I looked to my back and saw a xerox machine. It gave an idea, damn my best friend's so smart. Why didn't I think of that?

"I am assuming, you have those copies?" I asked.

"I still have the original copy. That was just a photocopy. And yes, I have many more." She smirked proudly.

"You are the best and brightest, Sheena." I said and then sat on a chair.

"Anyways, why don't you do me a favor and treat me a caramel macchiato? How about that?" She asked as her eyes turned into softie and about to cry.

"Damn you, but fine." I said and went to buy a coffee.

As soon as I took my orders, I immediately plan to go back to the investigation room. But unfortunately, I found some guy beating a woman. She's begging to stop so I came to help.

"Hey, stop that. Stop!" I shouted but he still continued what he's doing.

"No! You don't get to stop me, she's my wife!" He shouted back.

"That doesn't give you the excuse to beat her. You wife, means you vowed to protect her and keep her safe, you homo scumbag!" I shouted back of course. But when he's about to punch me, I grabbed his hands to control his force so I can punch him instead.

He fell asleep with one punch. I helped the woman and brought her to the coffee shop. She had bruises all over her body and face but she still looks presentable. I simply pinched one of her bruises but it made me wonder why isn't she hurting?

"You think you're better than me, Miss." I said, making her look at me.

"W-what?" She stuttered because that's what liars do.

"Putting make up in your body just to look like having bruises? Oh please, my second name is Conan. Born to be detective, but hey let me walk you to the police station." I said.

"I— I am not... I am not pretending." She said and whimpered. She's trying to hold her tears but when she held her shirt up, she couldn't control it.

"H-he took my k-kidneys..." I gasped of disbelief with what I heard.

"And he's not my husband..., So please, please help me." She pleaded.

"Then why would you do make ups to yourself?" I asked.

"Because no one would help me to escape this hell without evidence. That I was tortured and healed."

I know a place that might accept her. But I don't know how to introduce her.

"Come with me first, I'm gonna meet my best friend." I said and stood up.

I texted Sheena to come out of our investigation room and meet me.

"Who's that? Why does she looks like hell?" She asked, concerned.

"Because she was from there. Her husband's been torturing her for about two years now. But those bruises were just make ups." I said.

"Hello, how are you Ms.?" Sheena offered her hand for a shake hand.

"Lucianna. Lucianna Perez." She said and shook hands with Sheena.

"O-ouch. It still hurts, m-my husband. He broke my finger bones, he said I wouldn't be doing anymore household chores." She said and her eyes begun to water again.

"Damn, your husband is a one way sociopath." Sheena said.

"Come, let me introduce you to tyrannies." Sheena said.

The Tyrannies were a group of homeless people. Children and Elders are here, helping each other to live. But of course, Sheena and I are helping them. Giving them food and clothes, water and other stuff just to survive.

"Guys, hold up. You have a new member. Her name's Lucianna." Sheena said and Lucianna came in, but I noticed the grin on her face.

"Do you really have the nerve to come here, you skillet monster! You should rot in hell! I'll kill you!" Trisha shouted, she's one of the Tyrannies.

Eddy prevented her from going against Lucianna.

"Uhm, excuse me Trisha are you talking to me?" Sheena asked her.

"No, Sheen! Don't let that bitch escape!" Trisha said and when Lucianna was about to ran off, I held her hand choked her. Just enough to put her on sleep.

"She's the one who killed my family. In front of me, that's why I became a Tyranny. Now, I bring death to other tyranny." Trisha said and made us look at her.

"Wait, how do you explain her cut on the side? She claims that her abductor took her kidney." I said.

"That was a lie, but if it was true then she deserved it. Wake her up." She told us but I stopped them.

"Explain this first." I said and let her see the stitch wound. It was still fresh.

"Remove it. Try to remove it." She scoffed and so I tried to remove it.

I got shocked by what just happened. It wasn't a wound! It was just a make up, used a lil bit fake blood so it would look surreal. Damn, I got fooled.

"You're dead now, psycho bitch." Trisha said and so they woke her up.

I stormed off the place because I can't stomach it. I can't bear it that someone was about to die, and about to kill all because of vengeance.

"Hello, Conan."