Chapter 4: The Black Envelope

Nathan's POV

After three days, the doctor decided to let my Mom bring me home. It was a terrific incident, what happened to me. Good thing Sheena came when she did.

When we got home, I went to my room. There, I noticed the black envelope. It gave me chills run down my spine. I knew the reaper was here, or somehow still here. I can feel his presence around.

"Nathan, are you okay?" Mom walked to my room making me jump.

"Geez, Mom you scared me. Yes, I'm fine." I said. Good thing our murder board was on Sheena's private room.

"All right. Come down in a bit, I'm preparing snacks. What do you want?" She asked, but since I know she wouldn't stop nagging and bothering me, I just said I want nuggets and fries.

I searched my room, looking for something. I haven't read the letter on the black envelope yet and I don't think I can. After searching after searching, I found something. I called Sheena to come here for I know my Mom, she wouldn't let even my foot nails to go outside.

"Hey, I brought pizza. Pepperoni, you might be hungry." Sheena said soon as she walked inside.

"Actually, I'm fine. Sheen, I think the reaper was here. Or somehow, he's still here. In my room, look what I found." I handed her a note. It wasn't from the black envelope, it was what I found in my drawer.

"You survived the death, Conan.

Now let your best friend run.

If you can escape, I'll make sure she'll break.

Warm regards,

The Reaper."

Sheena read the note I found. I can see the fear pasted in her face, evident sadness in her eyes. She's frightened by the reaper. And so am I.

"Here's another one. I haven't read it yet, and I don't think I can." I admitted to her, this is the first time she sees me weak.

"Let me. You suffered so much, let me do the honors." She said and took the envelope.

"Hello, you should be ashamed of yourself. Burying yourself alive was the one way to take the coward's way out. But you can't fool me, Conan. I know all your tactics.

Ward Regards,

The Reaper."

What the hell? What is he talking about? Why would I bury myself alive? That's insane. I am sure, I will figure this out. I will kill him once I do.

"Nate, speak true." Sheena said with a threatening tone.

"I don't know, Sheen. I swear, I don't know what's he talking about. Why would I bury myself alive? Who's in the right mind would do that?" I said with a loud voice, evident the sound that I am defending myself.

"You got a point. We need to figure this one out. But how can we do that if there are no victims since the day you were rushed in the hospital?" She asked frustratingly.

"We go back to your investigation room." I said and we rushed back to the said room.

We didn't ask a permission to my Mom because she wouldn't let me. I need to do this, to stop the killings once and for all.

"Okay, so first things first Nathan, you're not going anywhere. If you want a coffee, you tell me. If you want anything, you tell me. Is that clear?" She said and I have no choice but to nod.

"Alright, the first victim was killed in year 2016. This is in our generation. Now, year 2021 there were more than 34 victims. But according to our reaper, they were all sinners." Sheena explained.

"So what? You mind to enlighten me?" I asked because I'm so confused.

"I got an idea. But it was very dangerous one. Are you in?" She said and I immediately nod.

"So, we're gonna find out who's the next victim. We're gonna search this whole town even if we have to. Every person, they have sins. I got a feeling that there will be next victim if not today then tomorrow."

"What we're gonna do when we found them?" I asked.

"We put a nanny cam, and a bug. So we can hear, and see who's the reaper. And end this killings once and for all." She furiously said.

"All right. Where are we gonna start?" I asked.

"Citizen street, there are many gangs out there; the ones who do drugs, do pornography, rape children, molested their sisters and brothers." She said, making my eyes wide open.

"Oh my god, is that true?" I asked cause I can't even believe it. Only demons can do that.

"Yes. Now, let's begin."

"First, the leader of the gang. Edgar Perrito, have done so many deals of drugs. Raped too many girls and got away with it. Beat up teenagers and even his wife. He almost killed him but then, he has a protector. His father, he was a mayor in the other town back then and had so many friends or should I say, acquaintances." Sheena explained.

"Why don't we make it three a day, and then we go to them. We separate ways to spread these bugs." I suggested and she amused.

"Didn't know you got something on that brain." She sarcastically said.

"Shut up. Let's go, we have to stop these killings. Who's the next 'sinner' in that street?" I asked.

"Lesley Indiana. Mobster Queen according to the three gangs she's holding. Killed many enemies, enemies of her of course, for money. Done so many drug deals, and many illegal works." She said and continued to the next sinner.

"Mr. Darcy, molested his wife. Specifically, tortured her; he broke her fingers, burned her earlobe using his cigar, punched her, kicked, and stabbed his vagina. He's reason was because his wife couldn't give him a son. He got away with it technically, but he's still alone because he's in mental institution. No visitors allowed."

"Last, because we can't put a bug in Mr. Darcy, we go to Michael Julian. A pornstar under the name of Luka Dela Cruz. But there's a catch, he wasn't just a pornstar. He was a murderer, under the name of Single Star Killer. But of course, after the name of murderer, there goes a funny thing. He doesn't have a kill yet. Or he's just great at disposing bodies. We don't know for sure unless we go see him."

"Then let's go. Hurry up and save the town right?" I said and carried my bag.

"Wait. Where did this come from?" I asked.

"What's that?" I handed her a black envelope.

"Best luck in finding me." She read it out loud.