How much is it

Needless to say Jin Mu was so surprised that he could not speak for a while

"Brother Mu where did you get such powerful talisman"

"Yes brother Mu,tell us we want to buy some as well"

"Brother Mu i am your little brotyer from now on,please give me some talismans"

Jin Mu was growing disgusted at the a behavior of his class mates,The reason that Jin Mu had only one friend was because he was the only middle class family child in the whole class,

So now that they were licking his boots to buy some of these talisman which he got from his brother

Hah! like hell i would tell you people,dream on maggots

Aside from this there were many question in his mind,like how his brother got his hands on these talisman,he probably could never make these kinds of talisman even if he spent his whole life studying Rank 1 talisman

At the end of the day ,he finally told his only friend his friend where he got these talisman,he could not keep a secret from his one and only friend

"Lets go i also wanna buy some "

"Its no use, my brother has to go for his classes ,the shop wont be open for a while"

Jin Mu did not know that this conversatuon was heard by some of his classmates and soon enough the whole Sawhawks academy will know about this.Though this was a good thing for Jin Yu.


it was past 6 o clock in the evening when Jin Yu recieved the best surprised of his life

His eyes could not help but water as he looked at a boy that came to his store looking around trying to find something.Jin yu only had one thing revolving in his mind

'Customers customers customers customers'

Jin Yu did not have much experience when dealing with customers and the past memories were also not of much use,deception was not his strong suit.

Ultimately he prayed to all the dieties he could remember and dwcided to just be truthful with his customers

"Hello sir ,how can i help you"

"Is this brother Yu's departmental store"

"Yes,yes it is"

"It seems like it is empty to be honest"

"Oh about that we are renovating"

'There goes my honesty, haha' though Jin yu

"Do you sell ,Golden colored Talisman?"

"Yes of course ,this way please"

Jin Yu led the customer through the different rows ,towards the Talisman section

"All of these are Rank 1 talisman that are golden colored,meaning they have the power to exceed their rank,we also have a bunch of Rank 2 Red colored talisman"

The customer was undoubtedly the friend of Jin Mu who was curious enough to see the store and yo his surprise found the store open so he decided to take a look,however when he came in and saw that the shop was empty he was a disappointed when the brother of Jin Mu who was known as the trash Yu in the extras class came and greeted him and led him towards the Talisman section

So many self activated talisman,is that a gold colored Heal talisman,and its self activated as well

Mu Chen was surprised, but then he noticed some Talisman that he did not notice before

"Owner Yu what is this talisman ?" Mu Chen said as he pointed at a bunch of talisman that were put to the side

"Oho you have good eyes, dear customer these are some of the newly made Talisman that i came up with,I call it the substitution Talisman and i hinestly dont have a rank for it as for what it can do..."

Just like that Jin Yu explained to his customer about his modified talisman that he came up with ,needless to say Mu Chen was filled with greed and decided to buy as many as he could

"How much for these talisman,and these and one of those"

"All Rank 1 Talisman are a 50 crystals each"


As soon as Mu Chen bought the Talisman ,

Jin Yu heard a bell chime and notifictaion sounded in his head

"Congratulations for competing the first Mission in such short time,Host will be rewarded with Blacksmith Manual of grade 1,2 and 3."

Jin Yu was excited,its only been two or so dys an he has already completed his first mission

[New mission unlocked

-Sell 50 talisman

-Sell 10 Rank 2 Talisman]

Jin Yu was not bothered with the new mission and decided to check the blacksmith room and practoce making Weapons and the like


Author note:-

Thanks to all those that like my novel ,it is very proudful m9ment for me,20 people have collected my novel, it mught jot be much but its a start right,haha