A law abiding citizen

Officer Han was having a hard time dealing with Zhenyi. She was not only difficult and persuasive but crazy too. The woman had no control over her mouth, didn't care what she spoke or do. He now knew how to describe her aura, the correct word fitting her description would be the 'queen. She had this I'm -the-queen-what-you-gonna-do attitude. But what surprised the usual cold and tough Officer Han was the fact that he didn't find Zhenyi repulsive rather intriguing and, perhaps, cute too.

Yes, cute! If Zhenyi knew this man called her cute she might kill him there at the spot, then instead of one the police might have to pick up two bodies, and further the hassle of postmortem also. 

"Miss Xin, the body is not smelly and you are standing at a larger distance from the corpse," Officer Han told Zhenyi who had her nose crinkled up in disgust.