Gorgeous human specimen

Officer Han felt like banging his head on her expensive car, dealing with an eccentric woman was like negotiating with a mosquito -- not to bite you. And this eccentric woman was sucking the sense out of his mind like a mosquito sucking the blood out of his body. Thankfully the interview began, and Zhenyi answered the first few questions solemnly.

"Miss Xin, where were you last night?" the police officer asked Zhenyi as he wrote something on the paper.

He had been noting down everything she had spoken.

'Maybe that was a police thing. So, overrated,' Zhenyi spoke to herself. " No wonder the modern and updated criminals like hers were difficult to hunt.'

"At home. On bed. With my husband. And --- "

"We get it. No need to continue, Ma'am." The officer spoke before she could complete her sentence. The police didn't need to know such juicy and personal details.