The strong, different and unique you.

[My new book THe Villian is available now.]


His mommy was mad. She would punish him again. He didn't want to make her mad at him. He never did. 

A little boy was standing in the distance with his head lowered and silently whimpering to himself. His mommy didn't like when he cried. He couldn't control his sobs but he could weep silently.

His mommy slammed the records on the doctor's table in fury.' You illiterate doctor. You can't cure a sick kid. Can't you see he's sick? Why your reports are suggesting contrarily. He can't even pronounce a single word. I'm firing you.' 

The helpless man in white coat whom his mommy called the doctor said in a desperate tone, ' Ma'am please try to understand that you're scaring the child. He is not sick...just a little different.'