A song of heart break.

[My new book THe Villian is available now.]

As Long Jie's fingers caressed the piano a beautiful melody came to life. He stopped, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, and slowly flexed his fingers, and a profound, slow, and gentle melody started playing. 

What he didn't realize was that he actually began singing along with the melody his fingers were playing. Music is therapy. It's soothing. Drown yourself in music and find yourself. 

🎶If you missed the train I'm on

You will know that I am gone

You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles🎶

His voice was warm, gentle, and soothing yet it carried ache and raw emotions which he couldn't express in actual words. A film of his past was replaying before his eyes at a very fast pace. The good, the bad, the pleasant, the tragic every memory was playing before his closed eyes. 

🎶A hundred miles, a hundred miles

A hundred miles, a hundred miles