Shocking letter

A man was standing near the window, his gaze was fixed on a bird soaring high in the sky. He was accompanied by his own troops, though only two of the men clad in ancient robes followed him inside. 

It seemed like many of the things about this residence had changed, why wouldn't it be, when the man only took a second to change his own soul then why couldn't a house make up of bricks and stone change? There was nothing homely about this place anymore like it was many years ago. 

Tang Yuzhang had never thought that a woman as wild and unbridled as Tang Reine could make a home as she made with Xin Yichen. It was a shock to the Tang family too, but he was so used to living with her that these shocks didn't shock him anymore. 

Even after years, no one stopped him from entering the threshold of this mansion. Although they were vetted at the entry gate, seeing their identity the guards specially led them to an archway leading to the inside of the mansion.