Bride for Ryuu

Once Zhenyi ended reading the letter written by her late mother many years ago, her eyes stopped on her father's face, whose emotions were hard to categorize. 

His face was empty, devoid of any emotion, no one could decipher what he was thinking right now. 

"By the decree of late Tang Reine, the previous head of the Tang family, Xin family is bestowed with the task to arrange the wedding of the current head of the family with the bride chosen by the mistress herself," announced Tang Yuzhang, his eyes on Xin Yichen's face." Xin family is connected to the Tang family by matrimony, therefore, the Xin family is nearest to the Tang family apart from the three other families. And for this reason alone, the Xin family must arrange the wedding on the day specified. The information pertaining to the bride is kept  protected and hidden till now according to the orders of my mistress, Master Yichen."