Call me to apply soap on your back

"Don't say it like that,"Zhenyi immediately said to him. 

Long Jie stared at her in confusion. He blinked twice to check if he had heard her correctly. Did his wife just tell him not to confess his love for her? 

"When you say 'I love you too ' it appears as if you're just agreeing with me. Not reciprocating the same feeling," Zhenyi said, quickly averting her eyes to look at her hands instead. 

Long Jie tapped her head causing her to look at him. "You're crazy, my wife. I'm not just agreeing with you. I'm also not saying the words back for the sake of saying. I know that I love you. Heck, you have me by my heart the moment I laid my eyes on you. You made me desperate for a certain woman who I had just seen for once. But I can't thank God enough to give that woman to me back as my wife. I have known that I love you for a long time now. So, my dear wife, I love you more than there are stars in the sky."