The scene ...

[Mature content ahead...]

"What's taking him so long?" Zhenyi asked herself as it struck her that it had been thirty minutes and there was no news from her husband. She could hear the faint sound of a running shower.

She stood up, she directly walked in the direction of the bathroom, and just as she silently opened the door, she was left frozen, watching the scene unfolding before her eyes. 

She felt her body on fire as she heard another faint growling moan...

Because Long Jie was inside standing below the showerhead, totally naked, water dripping down his chiseled body. 

She gulped as she saw how his thick yet beautiful hands wrapped around the obscene length of his c*ck.

He was jerking off.

She couldn't tear her eyes from him from the obscene scene no matter how much tried. 

When he hissed, she swallowed her moan back.