Surprise with a clue

"What do you think about this one?" Grandma Mian asked passing the file towards Zhenyi who was grasping the file with one hand and shoving toast inside his mouth with another. So unladylike!

"Umm… this one looks better than the previous one but… he is too geeky, " Zhenyi replied. 

Song Lily who had been sitting beside Grandma Mian looked at both of them and her facial expressions did not look good. She was not able to forget that because of this pair her husband had sent her back to Song's ancestral home to reflect on her mistakes. 

"How about this one?" inquired Grandma Mian excitedly. "31. Single. 183 cm. CEO. Heavenly handsome. Isn't he best out of all?"

Zhenyi nodded. "But Grandma, you didn't tell me why you are going through the portfolios of these men?"