Poor babygirl

"This is a very grand grand home," Faye exclaimed with an open mouth as she observed a very grand Palace as she watched in Disney movies. 

"Ah, you liked it?" Zhenyi asked her with a fond smile. 

"Very," the little girl said. 

"Then, we should ask Ryuu to build one for you?" Zhenyi teased the little girl. 

The bubbly Faye seemed to have become silent for a moment. There was a trace of sadness visible in her eyes. Glancing up at Zhenyi, she said with a sad smile, "I do not want a grand grand home, Aunt. I just want a home where I can live with Ru, Mama, Bà, and Yèyè." 

When Zhenyi heard her precious niece's sensible words, she was rendered speechless. Everyone was busy with their problems, they didn't care what consequences this kid had to face.

But, that's it.

It was more than enough now.