Inferno Cremisi Famiglia (6)

"Chi sono? (Who I am?)" Rami chuckled there


"Sono qui per toglierti la vita Don Orlando Palumbo. È ora di pagare le vite che devi. Anche la tua famiglia sta andando a rotoli. (I am here to take your life Don Orlando Palumbo. It's time to pay the lives that you owe. Even your famiglia it's going down.)" Rami continues.


In what he heard. Don Orlando couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that his family would fall. He knows that won't happen easily. Because Inferno Cremisi now is very influence not just in front of many people what also in their world. If anyone is going to move them, it is also a famiglia that is stronger than them. Famiglia that is more influencer than them. More powerful. But he knows that no one can match them. He was sure of that. 


"Non puoi scherzare, nessuno è più potente di Inferno Cremisi. Quindi qualunque cosa tu dica, ora accadrà. SÌ. Morirei qui, ma tu cadrai con me. (You can't be kidding no one is more powerful that Inferno Cremisi. So, whatever your saying, it will now happen. Yes. I would die here, but you will fall with me.)" Don Orlando said arrogantly. Him dying now is in fact true so Rami guessed that he already accepts it. Now, his fishing for information out of him. Rami also guessed that he has a way to store info to tell his members whatever info he will be getting. But his not scared by knowing that fact.



"Con questa condizione, pensi di poter essere così arrogante? (With that condition, do you think you can be this arrogant?)" Rami ask while he pierced Don Orlando again. 



"Curiosità qui. Non ho paura di morire. Facendo questa missione. Posso essere più audace e libera che posso. Posso farti qualsiasi cosa. Inoltre, credi che i tuoi uomini possano fermarmi? No, non può essere. Dopotutto sono Rami Deveraux. Non c'è missione che non possa portare a termine. Non importa quanto sia difficile. Lo renderò possibile e lo realizzerò. (Trivia here. I am not scared on dying. By doing this mission. I can be more daring and freer as I can be. I can do anything to you. Also, do you thing that your men can stop me? No can't be. I am after all Rami Deveraux. No mission that I can't finish. No matter how hard it is. I will make it possible and will get it done.)" Rami said at Don Orlando.



On hearing the name, Don Orlando's arrogant face fell. Fear changed that reaction, " Il tuo Rami Deveraux? Non può essere. Perché sei qui? No. Qualcuno mi ha messo un sacco di soldi in testa per farti accettare questa missione? (Your Rami Deveraux? It can't be. Why are you here? No. Is someone put a lot of money on my head causing for you to take this mission?)"



Rami shakes his head with innocence on his face while he shakes his hand in front of his face and he tilled his said sideways, "Beh, mi annoio. Appena finito in questo paese, ho saputo della tua famigllia. Immagino di poter essere un buon samaritano a volte!! (Well, I'm bored. As I end up in this country, I learned about your famigllia. Guessed I can be a good Samaritan sometimes!!) "



Don Orlando was stimulated by what Rami said so he yelled, "Non scherzare. Con che tipo di persone sei. Pensi che ti crederò? Sogna!! (Don't joke around. With a kind of people, you are. Do you think I will believe you. Dream on!!)"



Rami rolled his eyes, "Ok, va bene! Quanto al fatto che sono qui, non devi sapere tutto questo. Anche se stai già per morire, non voglio dirtelo. (Okay fine! As for I am here, you don't have to know all this. Even if you're already going to be dead, I don't want to tell you.)"



Don Orlando fumes there with anger. He knows, he will be dead soon. But does this person say that? 


"Comunque. Mi sto annoiando così. Ciao! (Anyway. I am getting bored so. Bye!)" Rami said it simply like this thing is normal.






Before Don Orlando could scream, he suddenly fell even further on the floor, while a dagger was stuck in the middle of his forehead. His eyes were wide open.



"Chee!!" Rami said there. 



Then he touches his earing.




"Salvy. I'm done." Rami said cheerfully.



Rami heard a long sign before a voice said, "You really take your time Rami."



"Umh, I was caught up to a . . . . . long conversation." Rami pouted



Salvatore stayed silent.



"Salvy, I know I am wrong." Rami said coquettishly.



Salvatore heaved a sign again, "Fine!! Wait there. My people will be there soon. I'm going in there too. Wait for me there. Remember. DO NOT DO ANYTHING!!!"



"Ehhh! You can trust me!!" Rami complained instantly. 



"Hmm. . " Then the line ended