Inferno Cremisi Famiglia (7)

After the line ended, Rami was stoned there. He can't believe it. He really looks like a reckless person in Salvy's eyes. Okay fine, his really a reckless person and do everything in his own way. But, do he really reprimand him like that? As if he really wanted to get his self in trouble always.

After the reprimand and warning he get from his best friend. He just flop into the bed there. As being mentally tired, he felt like he wanted to sleep for a very long hours and just let his body recover in his own. For the many that he thinks right now, his body really can't adapt. 

He'll just follow what Salvy warned him and just patiently wait. Anyways, he doesn't need to exert more efforts. Also, he won't get a scratch or hurt or he will surely face his eldest brother's wrath and more punishment.

Rami didn't mind the battered body of Don Orlando that is just lying there. 

After waiting, he heard a gunshot outside the room that his in. He guessed that Salvy's men should be here now. While hearing the gunshots, the door of the room that his in, opened. Rami thought it was Salvy but he become disappointed when three men which is armed with guns entered the room.

The three men saw Don Orlando's body that is full with blood, many stab wounds, has suffocated face and a dagger that is pierced in his forehead. Without further ado, they pointed their guns into Rami.

Rami only throw them looks. Not doing anything or defending his self.

"Chi sei? Perché hai ucciso Don Orlando? Hai davvero le palle per farlo. (Who are you? Why did you kill Don Orlando? You really have the balls to do so.)" One of the men said with his arrogant voice.

This again. Rami faced palm with frustration. He really wanted to finished this as soon as possible. So, without saying anything, Rami dashed into the three men. When his in front of the three, he grabbed the face of the man on his right while he kicked the man on his left with his left foot then he pushed hard the one that his holding causing him to collide in the wall right beside the opened door. While his body collide into the wall, you can see cracks where the body bump into the wall, which shown how hard Rami pushed that man.

He moved away from a little because he saw all that was left of them was about to shoot him. He bends a little then rolled his body through the man and gave the man a deadly kick that aims his neck. As Rami dropped in the ground steadily, that's the time when the man also drop in the group, dead.

Not waiting for more people to come, Rami decided to just walks out of the room and find Salvy on his own. Just like that, Rami fixed his self and then walk out of the room leisurely. Like there's no killing that happened. He even walks while whistling. But he was stopped when he met the rest of Don Orlando's men whom he had already knocked down without difficulty. He picked up one of the men's guns and continued walking. While he heads to the stairs that can lead him to the first floor, he encounters more men of Don Orlando. He just shoots them. When bullets we're out, he picks up more guns and uses it again. It continues until he gets down to the first floor.

When he gets to the first floor, he saw the silhouette of Salvatore in his very handsome glory. Rami's face lifts up with joy. Then, he jumps at the standing unsuspecting Salvatore there. Screaming with joy, "Your here!!!!"

Salvatore nearly hits the floor because of the impact, steadiest his self and then reprimand Rami immediately, "You!! I nearly fall down!!"

"Hehe. Sorry. So can we go now?" Rami apologizes but then asks to Salvatore.

Salvatore looks at Rami for a moment. As if agreeing, he then look back at his head and then he commanded, "Sai cosa fare, vero? (You know what to do right?)"

Salvatore's head nodded, "Sì, signor Salvatore. Sicuramente faremo quanto ci hai ordinato nel più breve tempo possibile. (Yes, sir Salvatore. We will surely get what you commanded done as soon as possible.)"

Salvatore then led Rami to walk out of the mansion. Leaving all of his men with an order,

"Inferno Cremisi Famiglia will not see the light from here on out. They need to fall down tonight."