
Se Qi approaches Wei An and showed her a printed screenshot.

"Is this really you?" Se Qi asked in disappointment.

Wei An was shocked when she saw that and quickly open her social media and deleted that post away, but it was too late. Words spread and majority of her classmates already knew about it.

Wei An wanted to apologise but it was too tense that Wei An thought to herself, her life is over. She's going to lead a lonely life in school.

En he didn't know what happen as it was only between the girls. Wei An will always show her normal self to him while its slowly eating her up inside.

Wei An doesn't goes down for lunch anymore. She will just stay in class and sleep. The only way and habit she learns in her life was to sleep her worries away.

Every single day she will hear people whispering and gossiping about her. She doesn't blames them as she knows that it's her fault in the first place.

Weeks have past and its almost year end examination. Wei An gets weaker and weaker as day past by as she didn't have proper meals and all she did was sleeping her worries off.

"Hey are you okay? I've been hearing things about you and you don't look well" En he worriedly asked Wei An.

"Hey don't worry I'm fine. Just that some things happen and its my fault. Plus i guess I've been studying too hard I'm just tired." Wei An smiled and went back to take a nap.

The next day, Wei An fell sick but still attended school. The group of classmates that hated her starts to take care of her. She was so touched and embarrassed that she started tearing up. She apologize to every single one of them and promised it will never happen again.

Wei An learns that you will eventually regret what you said when you are angry. She learns her lesson and from then on she learns how to stay calm.

Losing friendship is what Wei An fears the most. The thoughts of being alone, the thoughts of you have no one to share with. She fears all that.

These few weeks really thought Wei An a lesson of what she should appreciate and not getting blinded by anger that will make her lose other things that she treasures.

Days later, Wei An felt better and all of them came together and studied together for the finals.