
It's almost the end of year 1 and everyone will have to choose which subject they would want to focus on.

Wei An and En He have the same interest in music thus both of them decides to pick up music in year 2. As for Se Qi, her interest will be science as she wants to be a doctor in future.

Se Qi told Wei An that she have a crush on En He but doesn't want to tell him about it as she is afraid it might affect their friendship.

Wei An was shocked at that confession. Wei An had a slight crush on En He too at how gentleman he is towards her but Wei An didn't tell Se Qi about it.

The next day in school, another class girl suddenly approaches Wei An with a gift.

"Hi, i heard that you are a close friend with En He. If you don't mind, can you put this inside his bag please" the another class girl has a crush on En He too.

Being the nice girl, Wei An accepted and quietly place it in his bag.

Ever since En He transferred to this school, everyone seem to have their eyes on him. During valentines day, he received tons of chocolates from other girls.

En He has been hanging out with the guys lately and one say his friend asked him;

"Hey, don't you have any crush with anyone here? There's alot of girls that confess to you why not just get one to be yours?"

"I'm still waiting for that one person who yet to confess to me" En He replied.

The other guys seems to be cheering and keep asking him who and En He shyly replies;

"Wei An. Be quiet okay don't tell her!"

At that moment, Se Qi overheard their conversation. She was disheartened but yet she understands.

Se Qi and Wei An just came back from lunch and saw En He alone walking towards their direction.

"Hey i heard you like Wei An right!" Out of jealousy, Se Qi spoke out without thinking.

Both Wei An and En He was shocked.

"We are friends! Ofcourse i like her as a friend" En he replied in shocked.

Wei An just smiled, speechless, and just walked back to the classroom.

Wei An is not the type of person that likes to confront. She rathers kept quiet and forget about it as times goes by.

But one thing she can't stop thinking is that ;

"Does he really likes me? How am I supposed to go home with him later?"