
Days went by, normally perhaps.

No one ever spoken about the confession and everyone pretends that it didn't happen.

It finally year 2 and Wei An has been excited to learn more about music until something happen.

Days later, the homeroom teacher announced that today is En He last day with us. He will be flying back to Canada with his parents due to their business.

En He stood up and thank everyone for being nice and friendly to him.

Wei An was shocked as he did not tell her anything about it. Inside her mind she was thinking ;

"Why so sudden? Why didn't he tell me when we always goes home together?"

After school, Wei An rushed out from class as she didn't want to walked home together with En He.

En He stops her and asked

"Why are you walking so fast?"

Wei An was shocked and said;

"Oh...nothing i just want to reach home early today"

"Let's go together i have something to say to you" En He wanted to explain everything to her.

En He confessed that he likes her and apologize for the sudden leaving. En He promised that once he is an adult, he will come back to look for her and by then if she is still single, they will date.

Wei An was speechless and cried.

It was Saturday, the day that En He will fly back to Canada. Wei An lied to her dad that she will be studying with Se Qi so that she can send En He off.

At the airport, En He told Wei An to pursue her dreams and they will meet again when they are an adult.

Wei An told En He the same thing too and not to forget each other when we get famous one day because both of them wants to be an idol.

As En He walks away from her, he stops and turns back and hugs her. Wei An cried uncontrollably in his arms.

En He handed her a unique couple bracelet. Its a bracelet design only for them and that in future if they don't recognize each other they will have this bracelet to make them remember.

En He then flew off.

Wei An then was determined to do her best to be an idol and to meet En He again in future. She was determined to earn lots of money so that she can fly to Canada anytime she wants.

Hours later Wei An went back home after calming herself down.

She softly threw her things at the corner of her room, lie on her bed and stare blankly at the ceiling, cried and slowly fell asleep.