Relief teacher

Days past and Wei An tries to overcome that feeling of En He not going home with her.

*Ring* Dance Lesson

"Hi students! I'm Mr Kang and I'll be your relief teacher for these 3 months!"

Mr Kang is a cute dance trainer and he known to teach idols as well.

Everyone was attracted to Mr Kang except for Wei An. She is that loyal type and she will only love En He wholeheartedly.

"If there's any student who wants to be an idol, do email me I'll give you some tips" said Mr Kang.

Wei An took this opportunity to email Mr Kang about her thoughts on being an idol.

Upon receiving the email from Wei An, Mr Kang decides to put special attention to her as he sees determination in her.

However, other girls were jealous of that. No one knew her dreams was to be an idol. She didn't even tell Se Qi about it and only shared with En He as she was embarrassed about it.

One of the girls approaches her after class;

"Why are you so close with Mr Kang. Do you like him? Just stay away from him"

In Wei An's mind she wanted to say;

"As if Mr Kang will fall in love with a student like you with that kind of attitude "

But she doesn't want to provoke her so much thus Wei An just apologize and explained that she just wants to do her best and pass the test.

The girls then walks away and rolls her eyes on her.

Wei An just sigh and thought to herself that these are just obstacles she have to go through.

Ever since she and Se Qi took different subjects, Wei An most of the time are found to be alone.

At first she thought she feared being alone but now as day past by she seem to be getting used to it.

At the same time, social media has been her best friend. She tends to update more positively and take photo and videos of her day to day life.

This makes her realise that having lesser people in her life is way better to avoid clashing of thoughts and fighting over little things and get misunderstood all the time.

The only thing that Wei An worries now is, she just wants to graduate and get into a arts and theatre management school.