Gegil Castle, a very dangerous occupation!


Fang Qing came to the familiar priesthood hall.

"Ahahaha! I've become an Outer God, I've become an Outer God, I've become a Beast!!!"

"Ah! Why? I've failed ninety-eight times! I don't—"

Someone at the door jumped up and down happily, with a red face.

There were also people who cried and scrambled to the ground, kneeling on the ground and crying.

The corners of Fang Qing's mouth twitched, not so much…

He walked through the crowd calmly and walked inside.

Find the window of the result query and ask the staff:

"Hello, I'm here to check the application results. 93

The staff member didn't even raise his head, and his voice was cold and unsalty: "Name, number.

"Fang Qing, 6586.

Fang Qingjian said lightly.

After a few minutes.

The staff member raised his head, looked at Fang Qing politely and politely, with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Mr. Fang Qing, you have successfully applied for the job."

This guy's service attitude changed 180 degrees in an instant.



Fang Qingjian nodded lightly, his expression very natural.

The staff was a little surprised. He had seen many wild gods. The moment he knew that he had become an outer god, he could hardly hide the ecstasy and excitement on his face. After all, being an outer god meant that he could serve the Protoss, and his status had skyrocketed. , will no longer be bullied frequently.

But Fang Qingshi just gave a faint "um".

Possibly a facial paralysis.

The staff muttered in their hearts, but the movements of their hands were not slow at all. They handed out a blueprint and a round orange-red crystalline block object the size of a bull's eye from the window, and politely said:

"This is your divine plate. Please keep it safe. If you lose it, it will be very troublesome to renew it. The other is a priest's appointment certificate. Take these two things and go to the inner city of Seminyi." Gogir Castle', find Lord of the Mysteries, and you will become Master Lord's assistant."

The staff is very detailed.

Fang Qingshi nodded and took over the divine dish and the certificate of appointment.

A very dissatisfied voice came from behind: "Hey! This boy in front, hurry up, get the results so slowly, it's dawdling! 22

"That's right, you've sprayed ink for five minutes!"

"Go away, go away, a bunch of people are lining up!"

They couldn't wait to get the results of their applications, and a few of them who were hot-tempered and impatient couldn't help urging them.

Fang Qing turned around expressionlessly, along with the shining divine disc in his hand.

For a moment, there was no sound, and the silence fell in an instant.

Hundred and ten pairs of eyes filled with envy and longing, looking at this divine dish in Fang Qing's hand.

Just urging those few people to dodge their eyes, not daring to look directly at him, and lowered their heads in panic.

"Are you waiting in a hurry?"

Fang Qing said lightly.

"No hurry, no hurry, there will be hurry in a few minutes. 22

"Ahem, we're not in a hurry at all."

"I am the most patient person, not in a hurry."

A group of people laughed dryly and looked embarrassed.

Originally, they were in a hurry, as if they were waiting for the results of the college entrance examination, but after looking at the divine dish in Fang Qing's hand, they rationally decided not to be in a hurry.

Hemp egg!

Almost offended an outer god!

It is so difficult to apply for a priesthood, with tens of thousands of wild gods vying for the same position every day.

I didn't expect this kid to be so lucky.

Really become an outer god, one step to the sky!

Fang Qingyu didn't plan to bother with a group of wild gods about this trivial matter.

He took the hook from the priesthood hall, then confirmed a direction and walked straight.

Sale city is divided into outer city and inner city.

The inner city is the place where the Protoss live. It is three times larger than the outer city, and only the outer gods and the righteous gods can enter. If the wild gods dare to approach the city gate three feet, they will be directly shot and killed, very domineering!

Fang Qinggan quickly came to the gate of the inner city.

The city wall is tall and magnificent, with armored city guards guarding the upper part, and Serge knight paste people on horseback patrolling below.

After he walked over, he immediately attracted the vigilant attention of the two gods, and then he stretched out his hand and took out the divine dish, shaking it, and the rays of light were dazzling.

Sure enough, the scrutiny looked away from him.

Fang Qinglan walked into the inner city very smoothly.

Looking up and looking away, the mountains are continuous, the scenery is pleasant, and the majestic and luxurious castles are lined up in rows.

The owners of these castles are all righteous gods of the Protoss.

The larger the scale and the better the terrain, the more noble the owner is.

"Gegil Castle?

Fang Qing's eyes flickered slightly.

He stepped forward and walked inside.

Not only the righteous gods, but also the outer gods lived in the inner fort.

Therefore, in addition to the castle, there are many houses, huts, police villas, and manors. These are the real estate purchased by the outer gods in the inner castle for the convenience of "work".

Gegil Castle, located in the northwest of the inner city.

Its owner, Gegil Eros, is a superior god of the Three Mysteries and a Knight Commander of the Royal Knights.

Respected status, great power!

The Royal Knights are different from the Searle Knights. All the members of the former are all gods of the god race, and foreigners are not eligible to join them.

The Searle Knights also recruited Outer God Knights.

But the royal knight paste of the Eros gods is similar to the divine mighty army of the Hermera gods.

It is conceivable that this Gegil Royal Knight Commander is so powerful!

He is also an upper god.

In the Protoss is also a character.

Therefore, Gegil Castle is very large, with magnificent buildings and majestic temples, reaching into the sky.

Fang Qing stopped and looked at the castle for a few seconds.

Then he walked over with a natural look.

When he got to the door, the two knights guarding the front door stopped him: "What are you doing? I haven't seen you before."

Fang Qing calmly took out the divine dish and the appointment certificate.

While handing it over, he opened his mouth and said, "I'm the new assistant of the Esoteric Compilation and Engraver, um… Master Claude's new assistant."

"Is that so… That guy Lauder has a new assistant?"

One of the knights took the divine disk and the certificate, and while checking it, asked his companions.

Another knight laughed and said: "Don't you know? Claude's former assistant, in a compilation three days ago, failed to control the mysterious ball, was blown up alive, and the godhead was blown to ashes, The workshop also collapsed! Hahaha, I was so angry at Old Lord Lauder that his face was green!"

"Hey~ Mysticism is too dangerous, Xiao, but this kid is really stupid. 9)

The previous knight shook his head and sighed. After speaking, he raised his head to look at Fang Qing again, and returned the things to him, "Go in, old man Lauder should be in his new workshop. After entering the castle, go along the road to the west. Keep walking along the road, and at the end, you can see a… black and fat small building, that's it.

Fang Qing's mouth twitched, black fat black fat? What kind of ghost adjective is this.

Of course, he was more concerned about another point mentioned by the two of them.

The former assistant of the editor was killed?

Is this job at great risk to life?

He can be so successful, one application is successful.

Could it be because… no one dared to apply for this priesthood?

Of course, it's useless to think about these things now, since 797 comes, you can take it easy, and you have to walk the path you choose, even on your knees.

Fang Qing resolutely walked in.

After entering the castle.

Fang Qingjian went straight along the western path. After passing through two gardens, he finally saw a building that was six or seven meters high.

The whole building is dark, strange in shape, narrow at the top and bottom, wide in the middle, like an ellipse, of course, it is more accurate, it is a black pot, the middle part is like a fat black fat man with a big belly.

Black fat black fat small building.

Described very aptly.

"This should be Claude's workshop.

Fang Qing muttered to himself, and was about to lift his foot to move on.

Bang one

Suddenly, a mutation suddenly occurred.

There was a terrifying explosion sound from the "Black Fat Man", a terrifying profound meaning wave was raging, the ground shook and the mountains shook. Black smoke rose into the sky with a "poof" and escaped from the roof.

Immediately afterwards, the building shrunk, thinned, and returned to its original state.

Fang Qing's mouth twitched.

He is seriously considering whether to quit his job and find a new job.

If he had come a few minutes earlier, he would have entered.

It's probably been blown up by now!

That explosion is not the law, but the profound meaning!

"Damn it, failed again! Where's the assistant?! Why hasn't Laozi's assistant come yet? What are those bastards in the priesthood hall doing!!!"

An old and irritable roar came from the workshop.

Little did he know that his assistant Fang Qingyan had already arrived.

But after witnessing the scene that just went around, he wanted to leave again.