Dwarf Lauder, the first test of the secret ball!

The material of this black fat small building is very special. It was blown up like that, and it can be restored to its original state. It looks unscathed.

But the profound meaning explosion just now, the fluctuation that produces is still very terrifying.

The next god is really going to be killed!

Profound meaning seal carving is not necessarily a dangerous profession, after all, people are professional masters.

But the assistant of the esoteric compiler and engraver, this is definitely a super dangerous profession!

However, Fang Qing is also a very daring person, not lacking in the courage to face danger.

After a slight hesitation.

He no longer hesitated, raised his foot and walked towards the "fat black".

The ground of the 100-meter radius of the workshop has been tossed to the point where no grass grows, and it is bare.

Go to the door.

Fang Qingshi raised his hand and knocked on the door three times—

Boom, boom, boom.

"Master Lauder, hello, I'm a new assistant, my name is Fang…"


With a loud bang, the door was suddenly opened.

Before Fang Qingpao finished speaking, he stretched out a hook inside – a big stout hand, hugged his arm, and pulled him in with a "swoosh".

"It's great, great, finally come to Xiao, if you don't come again, Laozi is going crazy! 99

A rough and old voice sounded.

Lauder dragged Fang Qingshi from the first floor to the third floor in one breath.

Then he pushed him to a huge metal workbench, turned around to "cake" and put a heavy box on it, and couldn't wait to say: "Start to start, help me fix the Mystery Ball, this time I will definitely be able to edit it. success."

Fang Qing's mouth twitched, looking down at Lauder: "That… don't you need to introduce me to the workflow? I'm not your former assistant, I'm new here. 33

f*ck, the assistant's life is not life!

He doesn't even know what Oiball is.

Come up and let him officially start work.

There isn't even an "internship phase".

Laozi suspects you are murdering me on purpose!

"Oh yes yes yes! You are new here, sorry sorry, I just blew up, my head is still a little dizzy, and I can't react."

Lauder slapped his forehead with a big hand and looked up at Police Qing, "I remembered, you are that kid who practiced the laws of space, your name is Fang Qing, right? I'll call you boy Fang in the future, not bad! Space! The rules are too suitable for this work, I will first introduce you to what you need to do, and you will be able to get started quickly.

"Then trouble Master Lauder.

Fang Qingwan looked down at him.

This is time to take a good look at Lauder.

Lauder is a dwarf, less than 1.4 meters tall, but his limbs and body are different from ordinary people's thick and sturdy, each muscle is like a rock, his face is old, his eyes are sharp, his beard is gray, but his spirit is healthy.

He is a median god.

It seems to belong to the goblin family.

After becoming a god, you can reshape the body of the god, and each race can change the original racial characteristics, similar to the fangs of the blood race, Fang Qing chose not to, after all, it has no substantial effect.

However, Lauder retained the small and sturdy body shape of the goblin family.

"Come on, let me first explain to you what the secret ball is…"

Lauder said, suddenly paused, and seemed to feel that he was raising his neck to speak, so he moved a high stool from the side, and after standing on it, he could barely keep his eyes on the same level as Fang Qingshi, who was 1.85 meters tall.

He opened the box on the workbench, and suddenly a dazzling bright light bloomed and hooked.

Inside are round beads as big as goose eggs, with different colors, white, blue, red, purple… all exuding heart-pounding law fluctuations.

"This is the Profound Ball."

Lauder reached out and grabbed a red bead, presented it in front of Fang Qing's eyes, and explained patiently, "Using a special method, the profound meanings of various laws are sealed up, and thistle can be used when compiling the profound meanings for the divine artifact. Each Mystic Ball is very expensive, ranging from 8,000 to 20,000 Divine Crystals."

Fang Qingyan's eyes were full of curiosity, and he reached out to take a look, but he was a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, the secret ball in the sealed state is very safe. Unless you blast it with the law, the secret ball will not explode. Only in the process of engraving, the secret ball is unsealed, and the slightest shake will explode!

Lauder saw Fang Qing's concerns, couldn't help but smiled, explained, and threw the mysterious ball to him.

Fang Qingshi stretched out his hand and grabbed the red esoteric ball in the air, and looked closer. The light inside the bead was very dazzling, and the law of fire was like a school of fish swimming on the bottom of the sea, extremely beautiful.

"This is the profound meaning of the Law of Fire: Burning Heaven Fire Territory!"

Lauder saw Fang Qingshi was interested, so he introduced him.

Fang Qingyan nodded, turned his head to look at him, and asked politely, "Then Master Lauder, what is my scope of work?"

Speaking of work, Lauder's expression became serious and his tone was very serious: "You have only one job, and that is to use the law of space to help me stabilize the mysterious ball during the process of engraving the mysterious meaning. Once the mysterious ball is unsealed, the inside The Profound Principles will become active, fall into a state of rage, and if they cannot be controlled, they will explode."


Fang Qing nodded thoughtfully.

This job is really super super easy.

But simple doesn't mean easy to do.

"My last assistant, he practiced the law of water, the water attribute is very soft, and it is very suitable for stabilizing the mysterious ball. He has been with me for tens of thousands of years, and he has never made a mistake…"

Lauder's expression was a little sad and sad, "But the only time he made a mistake, he fell late, the Mystery Ball went out of control, exploded, and the speed was so fast that I couldn't save him at all.

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Fang Qing and said earnestly: "So, boy Fang, remember, every time you work, you have to devote yourself to it and focus all your attention, it's hard not to be sloppy! 22

Fang Qingshi nodded solemnly.

In fact, he is not afraid of such a sudden explosive attack. If he is really diligent, he can simply "stop", stop or delay the profound meaning, and he will be able to retreat.

But Lauder's reminders were all kind and diligent about his safety concerns, so Fang Qingpao listened carefully to every word Lauder said and kept it in mind.

"Okay, the unspeakable guidance is not as good as a real knife and a real gun, try it once and you will understand.

Lauder said very boldly and authentically, "You use the law to drive the Profound Ball and unblock it. I will always protect you by the side and let you play the Profound Ball once."

With advance preparations, there is nothing to worry about.

I am afraid that during work, a sudden explosion will kill you.

"Okay, then I'll try."

Fang Qingshi took a deep breath, and his handsome eyes became serious.

The back of the neck God Geliang (Zhao Nuo) radiated a black light.

The law of space was released, and the ball of the law of fire was carefully held up and fixed in the air.


At the moment of unblocking, a violent and frantic mystery raged in the ball.

However, Fang Qing's eyes were extremely calm, and the law of space imprisoned the profound meaning ball in mid-air, motionless, no matter how violent the profound meaning was, it could not be shaken in the slightest.

"Very good, that's it!"

Lauder was very excited and praised, "The law of space is indeed more suitable for stabilizing the mysterious ball than the law of water, great!

In fact, the most appropriate question is the law of time and space.

Fang Qing silently added in his heart.

If he used the law of time and space, then he could even stop the Profound Ball in the air, then Jimen had a meal, had a cup of tea, and came back in a circle, and the Profound Ball would still stay there obediently!