The nine treasures of the compiling master, the old man presents the catalogue!

"Very good, boy!"

Lauder's eyes lit up, staring at Fang Qingshi, and asked, "How long do you think you can last?"

Fang Qing thought for a while, then said: "Three days. 91

Controlling the Mystery Ball consumes a lot of the law, but the continuation of the law of time and space far exceeds the ordinary law, and he does not feel that the ability to use space is sudden.

Even if it persists for half a month, it is not difficult, but it is better to keep a low profile when you are new.

"Three days!!!"

However, he did not expect this answer to still shock Lauder, and the old man's voice increased eight degrees.

"Heavenly love! Heaven is around, the first time you try to control the Profound Ball, you can be skilled and stable for three days… Fang boy, you are naturally suitable for this job!!

Lauder was so incomparable with Jiu, he suddenly remembered something, and he couldn't wait to say, "Let's go straight to compiling and engrave it once, just use this mysterious ball."

Fang Qing didn't hesitate to hear the words, nodded and said: "Okay, Master Lauder.

He was actually very interested in the compilation of the profound meaning, and he had long wanted to see it.

"Wait a minute, hold on tight, police distraction, I'll get some tools.

Lauder turned and ran to the other side of the workbench.

He opened a compartment on the bottom floor, and then took out a delicate and luxurious toolbox. After picking up the box, he quickly ran back.


The toolbox is on the table.

After opening it, there are a lot of dazzling things inside, some like a carving knife, some like a signature pen, all exuding a bright light, one can feel extraordinary at a glance.

"This is the storage pen, this is the engraving knife, this is the law drill, and this is the magic thread…"

Lauder–Introduce the contents to Fang Qing. These are all necessary tools for compiling and engraving profound meanings. There are four core tools: pen, knife, drill, thread; the other five are also very commonly used: Xin, setback, Saw, create, ruler; in our industry, we collectively refer to them as "Nine Treasures"797.

Fang Qing watched and listened carefully, and nodded.

"As an assistant, you don't need to know too much. Of course, if you want to learn the profound meaning, I can teach you when I have time. 99

Old man Lauder showed a mean smile, "You may not know how popular a powerful esoteric engraver is? Let me tell you this, every year my income from selling esoteric artifacts is in the More than five million! 33


Fang Qingshi's eyes widened and he took a deep breath.

5 million a year!

Way! Is it so profitable?

His eyes burst into fiery gleams.

-The big shocker is waiting for him to support him. He needs to consume a lot of cultivation resources every year. He is very short of money!

If you can get to the point of Lauder and earn millions of Divine Crystals every year, then all the problems will be solved!

"Learn! Master Claude, I have always been an open-minded and eager to learn person. I think the mysticism is a great art."

Fang Qing looked serious and authentic.

In fact, art and art are not important, the main thing is to make money!

"It's not bad, it's good to be motivated, especially for our outer gods, if we want to gain the reuse of the God Race, we can only improve our abilities! Those who have sew and strength have identity and status!"

Laudertown repented.

Then he flipped his right hand and took out a median artifact from the storage bag. It was a battle of two feet and two feet long. The divine light was brilliant, the halberd blade was brilliant, gorgeous and beautiful, and it was full of killing energy.

The halberd exudes a strong wave of the law of fire.

"The first principle of the engraving of the profound meanings is to use the mysterious ball of the law, and the artifact of the law as the carrier." Claude put the halberd on the workbench, and said solemnly, otherwise, "Even if the engraving of the profound meaning is successful. , but when using the artifact, different laws will also produce (bhad) conflicts, so that the artifact explodes, which is very dangerous


That is to say, the artifact of the law of fire can only engrave the profound meaning of fire; the artifact of the law of gold can only engrave the profound meaning of gold.

When he was ready, Lauder took a deep breath.

He took out the Dharma-inducing Spirit Thread from the toolbox, and fixed one end of it with the pen, knife, drill, chisel, setback, saw, wound, ruler, and the tail of the "eight treasures".

Then, Lauder picked up the storage pen, looked at Fang Qing, and said with a serious tone: "I'm about to start, you listen to Wan, you must stabilize the mysterious ball and remember what you should do. If the mysterious ball explodes, I will not Something will happen, but you will die! I can't protect you at work."

Fang Qingpao nodded seriously.

"That's it, start!"

Lauder gave a loud roar, and with a "flavor", eight thread heads flew up at the same time, and with a thunderous momentum, they got into the mysterious ball.

Suddenly, the crimson-gold mystery law flowed out along the eight threads, dyeing Bai Yingying's thread into a rotten fiery red, and finally gathered in the sample compilation tool, with a great radiance.


The Profound Truth in the ball began to riot and raged, Fang Qing's expression became solemn, and the Profound Truth Ball was firmly fixed in the air by the law of space, motionless.

He divided his mind into two things, while stabilizing the Profound Ball, he looked down at the movements in Lauder's hands seriously.

Master Lauder has already begun to engrave.

Holding the pen in one hand and the knife in the other, he concentrated on it, and began to compose the profound meaning from the halberd blade.

chi chi chi-

The halberd blade of the halberd was cut open by a knife and a stroke, but it did not damage the structure of this median artifact. Lauder linked his hands together, very skillfully and quickly, and engraved a series of profound inscriptions on the halberd blade.

Soon sweat appeared on his forehead.

The process of compiling and engraving consumes a lot of mental power.

In a short time, Lauder engraved the entire halberd blade, battle back, and halberd head with dense inscriptions of profound meaning.

Fang Qing was dazzled by these inscriptions, and he couldn't understand what the hell Claude had engraved.

But then when it came time to load the rod, the old man seemed to have encountered a problem, and the speed began to slow down.

"The halberd pole is too long, it needs to be carved in two times, but it is not easy to connect and finish.

Lauder muttered, raised his arm and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then reached out and took the saw on one side, and saw it "kakaka".

Fang Qing's mouth twitched: "Will this really not destroy the divine weapon?

"Hey, it depends on the technology.

While sawing the halberd pole fiercely, Lauder grinned and said, "Profound meaning compilation can be said to be a major transformation of the whole body of the divine weapon, a second creation! The areas that should be changed must be changed, otherwise the compilation will not be able to continue. down."

"Many times, the sacred artifact that has been compiled and engraved with profound meanings will be completely different from the previous ones, and the appearance will be greatly changed. Even the owner himself cannot recognize that it is his own artifact! It is completed without changing the structure of the artifact at all. Compilation, it doesn't exist at all!"

While speaking, he said that ||, Lauder has sawed off a large section of the halberd's carrying rod, and the fracture was sealed by the mysterious meaning. This artifact is really not broken.

After throwing down the pot, he picked up the pen knife and continued to carve.

In a short time, the carrier rod was also engraved with profound inscriptions.

So far, the compilation of the profound meaning has ended.

Fang Qing found that the light on the mysterious ball had completely dimmed, turning into a dead gray.

The profound meaning laws in the ball have all been transferred to this halberd.


At the moment of completion, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the halberd, all the inscriptions of the profound meanings were all lit up, and a terrifying profound meaning wave burst out and rhyme.

The breath of the superior artifact!

Fang Qing widened his eyes.

In just over an hour, Lauder upgraded a median artifact to a high-rank artifact!

The price of a median artifact ranges from 5 to 30,000 Divine Crystals.

But the price of a single high-level artifact starts from 500,000 yuan!

After deducting the cost of the secret ball, Lauder also made a huge profit!

"Hey, luckily, it worked once.

Lauder picked up the halberd, rubbed it over it, and then said to Fang Qing, "It seems that you are Laozi's lucky star!"

Fang Qingyu heard the words, moved in his heart, and asked: "Master Lauder, isn't the success rate of the profound meaning compilation not high?"

"It still depends on the level of the editor and engraver. My success rate is about 40%. In the entire city of Sale, there are no more than three editors and engravers with my skills!"

Lauder said proudly.

After he finished speaking, he hesitated for a while, and then added: "Of course, it is limited to compiling and engraving a single profound artifact. If it is a double profound artifact, I only have a 5% success rate at most."

"Double Profound Truth?"

"That's right, there are four levels of police in our Upanishads compilation and engraving masters. Those who can compile and engrave a single mystery and have a success rate of more than 30% are called 'Masters'; '; The three profound meanings are "great masters"; in the legend, the one who can engrave the profound meanings of the supreme artifact is the "sacred craftsman", but there are also three "quasi-god craftsmen" in the seven planes of the entire divine domain, and one is the real god craftsman. nor.

The master, the master, the great master, the master craftsman.

A big guy like Claude who earns 5 million Divine Crystals every year is just the bottom of the table, right?

Fang Qing's eyes lit up.

There is so much money in this industry!

"Alas, it is easy to become a master, but difficult to become a master."

Lauder sighed and said with a gloomy expression, "Every seal engraver uses an artifact to smash the hook, and if he fails to compose a single profound meaning, he will also lose a median artifact, and it is difficult to use tens of thousands of median artifact. Come to practice, as long as the talent is good, the proficiency can be raised by 30%.

"But if you fail to compile and engrave the two profound meanings, you have to lose one high-ranking artifact. If you fail ten times, you have to lose ten pieces… That is, the Protoss has the heritage and financial resources to cultivate seal carving masters above the master. Outer gods like us are still dreams. .

Fang Qingshi nodded in agreement.

No matter how the outer gods have Jihua, it is difficult for them to be cultivated by the gods. They will use the best resources to cultivate their own direct line of gods.

Lauder put away the halberd, then took out a thick ancient book and handed it to Fang Qing.

"Fang boy, I think Quelai, you really want to learn the profound meanings, this is a gift for you.

Fang Qingshi was a little surprised, took the ancient book, looked down, and saw a line of mottled characters on the cover – "Map of Profound Meanings".

"This…" His eyes widened.

After opening it, there are intricate and mysterious inscriptions on each page inside, which seem to be chaotic, but in fact these are the inscription patterns of each kind of profound meaning.

Lauder just followed the compilation of the profound meaning inscription engraved on the halberd, which is the map of "Mysterious meaning: Burning Heaven Fire Territory".

Fang Qing was a little unbelievable.

This is the gem of a seal engraver!

There are 18,000 kinds of profound meanings recorded!

"It's not as precious as you think, there is a book of rough divine crystals in the World Chamber of Commerce.

Lauder shook his head, grinned and said, "Laozi has memorized all the mystical maps, and no longer needs this thing, you can take it and learn it. This bowl of rice is not for everyone, can it be an editor? Engravers rely on comprehension, talent, and aptitude!"

"Anyway, thank you!

Fang Qingjie sincerely thanks,