Caroline retreats, the first time to write!

"Compilation once, consumes too much spiritual power.

Lauder looked tired and tired, and he waved his hand to Fang Qing, "You can go back first, or you can take a stroll around the castle, but the police are close to Lord Gegil's temple. 93

Compilation and engraving of profound meanings is a very insightful thing.

The consumption is huge, even the median god can't bear it.

"Then I'll come back tomorrow."

Fang Qingshi nodded politely to Lauder, then turned around and went downstairs with the "Profound Meaning Catalog".

After exiting the "Black Fatty" small building.

He walked straight out, and he had no interest in entering a castle.

There are a lot of clergy in the castle, and along the way, I met a dozen or so, but Fang Qingshi did not communicate with them.

To be honest, he disdains "serving the righteous gods" – such things.

Everyone wants to rely on kneeling and licking the Protoss to gain identity and status.

That's because "the gods are supreme", "the gods are extremely honorable", etc. Such ideas and concepts have long been ingrained in the hearts of these outer gods and wild gods who were born in the gods and have been living in the gods. Unshakable.

No one would have the idea of ​​rebelling against the Protoss.

Because I have been kneeling for too long, I have already lost the courage to stand up…

But Fang Qing sees it differently.

Born in a small world, for freedom and dignity, he raised swords with a group of like-minded people to slay the sky, and finally succeeded in slaughtering the gods, leading people all over the world to escape the tragic fate of being dominated by gods.

It can be said that Fang Qing is a person who can never succumb to fate!

He is determined, and he will never kneel!

Even if it is a high-ranking Protoss, if he dares to provoke him, he will definitely retaliate.

The reason to become a "god" is only a matter of expediency, for the sake of stable growth and growth, quietly becoming stronger, and for the family to obtain cultivation resources.

The reason why the Protoss can stand aloof is because of their strength, and because their fists are hard, he can only hold back temporarily.

But Fang Qing believes that one day, his fists can become harder than theirs!

When you get to the door.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from his ear, and Fang Qing's eyes narrowed.

I saw a line of mighty and majestic knights, surrounded by a superior god in gorgeous armor, who walked in from the outside, with a mighty imposing manner, walking with dragons and tigers, and the wind was like tigers and tigers!

All the people in the vicinity all bowed down, bowed and saluted, respectfully.

"Welcome Lord Jiger back to the fort!"

Hearing the shouts of the people around him, Fang Qingshi couldn't help but take a few more glances at the upper god in front of the crowd.

This is the Knight Commander of the Royal Knights, the powerful God of the Three Mysteries, Gegil Eros.

He is also the owner of this castle.

An old man from the middle of the gods greeted him and took the initiative to take the sword for Giger. The old man was the statue of the castle, named Elton.

"Elton, where's Fitch?"

Gilg stopped suddenly and asked with a frown.

"Young… Master he, he…" Elton hesitated and said hesitantly, "He went to play in Paradise again. 93


Giggle's eyes widened at the moment, and an angry look appeared on his rough and rigid face. He gritted his teeth, "This…this is pure! Laozi's face has been thrown away by him! Negative son!!!"

Paradise of Bliss.

It is the most advanced entertainment venue in Sale City.

But everyone who understands knows that it is actually a "senior club" for men to have fun

After all, as long as there is market demand for the clubhouse, it will come into being, even if the gods are not exempt.

It can be seen that this young master Feiqi is a broken child who often goes to Paradise Palace.

"Big… Sir, I'm going to call the young master back!»

Elton said quickly.

"No need!" Gegil said coldly, turned around, and walked out with a group of royal knights, "If you really have the ability to manage that bastard, you won't always let Laozi worry about it! Laozi will go by himself" Please 'he!

A group of imperial knights went straight to Paradise Palace with murderous aura.

Fang Qing was a little speechless.

I don't understand what these Protoss thinks.

If you really want a woman, go directly to the World Chamber of Commerce 299 Shenjing to buy a seed of life, and you can create a whole world of women in a blink of an eye. There are all kinds of women, and the appearance can be adjusted freely… Play until you vomit.

Still need to go to Bliss?

Maybe Master Feige has higher pursuits!

But none of this has anything to do with Fang Qing.

After Gegil took the people away, he also left the castle.

He doesn't have a place to live in the inner city yet, so he plans to buy a property near the castle so that he can go to work later.

With the divine dish, you are eligible to buy a house in Semi City.

He soon found the person in charge of this.

In the end, he spent 18,000 Rough Divine Crystals to buy a 300-square-meter piece of land not far from the castle.

He has the right to use the place for a million years.

For the gods with endless life, millions of years are just a flick of a finger. At that time, you have to hand in another Divine Crystal before you can have the right to use it again.

Bang one

a few seconds.

A brand-new two-story western-style building rose from the ground, with a small and delicate shape and elegant style. Along with it, there was a small garden, a fence, and two winding paths paved with stones.

Small but complete.

integrated into the surrounding dwellings.

"Finally, I have a stable and safe foothold in God's Domain."

Fang Qingshi sighed.

He raised his foot and walked closer, and entered the house.

The living room on the first floor has a warm style, and the second floor has a room, a bathroom and a balcony.

God's Domain is dangerous.

Even in the city of Sale, malice and crisis are everywhere.

The inner city's security is unmatched anywhere else.

Because the Protoss also lived in the inner city.

Protected by elite escorts and knights.

Fang Qingwan went up the stairs to dry on the second floor and entered the room.

Close the door.

He took the jar out of the big world with confidence, and then returned to the image.

"Dear, come back? 93

Caroline ran over happily, and the bird snuggled up to Fang Qing's side like a human.

Fang Qinglan looked down at her delicate and beautiful face, and couldn't help but smile: "You have to practice hard, as we were the first to become demigods, but the police were overtaken by Siyan, hurry up and become gods!"

"Cut~ the girl can't catch up with me!

Caroline proudly raised Bai Zhe's chin, Qiong Biweng moved twice, and confidently said, "In just one or two years, I will become a god! 99

The two walked side by side in the beautiful garden like a loving couple.

"I…I have an idea."

Caroline suddenly felt a little embarrassed, she hesitated, and lowered her head.

Fang Qing was stunned, and immediately laughed: "You used to have a very forthright personality, it's not like you, you just say something straight and hesitantly.

"That's the one…" Caroline raised her head, her eyes dodged, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "I want a child too!


Fang Qingshi widened his eyes.

"Ah what?" Caroline stretched out her rhyme fist and slashed Fang Qing, her pretty face blushing, her beautiful eyes glaring at him, and she said confidently, "Elizabeth already has thoughts, and I want one too. , I can't lose!

Fang Qing's mouth twitched.

In the end, he could only laugh dryly: "Now is the critical time for you to advance to the divine realm, you can't be distracted, and we'll talk about it later. 99

"Then when I become a god, let's have one!"

Caroline put her hands on her hips and patted Fang Qingpao on the shoulder arrogantly.

After all, without waiting for him to react, he happily ran away.


There was a hint of sadness on Fang Qing's face.

Now some can't support the family anymore.

Another one… ah, it's so hard for me!!!

Elizabeth, Caroline, Dracula, Petsia, Siyan, five people are the first priority resource users.

The second level is the direct and core members of the Cape clan.

The crowd cultivated at the third level is the members of the Evening Hermit Society.

Fang Qing insisted on raising many, many people!

In the realm of the gods, the outer gods and wild gods are as humble as dust, and those who do not become gods are inferior to animals and are regarded as ants.

So he has to help Dacheng God.

Only after becoming a god, there is some dignity to speak of.

He can't be like this all the time, carrying the big world with him for a moment, every time he asks the big world carefully, every time he is walking on thin ice, he must make sure that the outside world is absolutely safe and then dare to enter the world.

"Now people consume at least 100,000 divine crystals on average every month, and next year's divine crystals are yet to arrive."

Fang Qing muttered to himself, clenching his fists, "No way! I have to make money! To learn the profound meanings and inscriptions, if you want to live a good life, earning millions is the foundation!"

After thinking about it, he no longer hesitated.

After signing in to get a photo of the soul, after comprehending the profound meaning of the dimensional blade, he took out the "Profound Meaning Catalog" and began to study it.

A total of 18,000 kinds of profound meanings!

Learn from the first one.

Fang Qingyan currently only has 180,000 Divine Crystals left, which is his total assets.

It is also all the start-up capital for his "start-up", which is too shabby.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a lot of confidence, and then you can take the median artifact with pure hands.

the next day.

He left the hut, went to Gegil Castle, came to the "Black Fat Man" small building, and clocked in to work.

"Ming, is Fang boy here?"

The old man Lauder, who was busy at the workbench, heard the movement and quickly waved to Fang Qingpao, "Come on, let's engrave an artifact of the "law of ice" today, and strive to succeed again."

"Okay, Master Lauder."

Fang Qing was immediately refreshed and walked over.

After a night of research on the "Book of Profound Meanings", he had many doubts and incomprehensions, just in time for Claude to learn and find answers in practice.

Old man Lauder is a very good person, and he is also willing to answer Fang Qing's questions.

But today is not very lucky.

Because of the failure of seal carving, a median artifact was destroyed like this, and a precious Mystery Ball was lost along with it.

But Lauder's face did not show any disappointment.

Instead, the old man comforted Fang Qingshi: "It's okay, just let you see, it's not that easy for us seal engravers to make money, 40% success rate corresponds to a 60% failure rate. The key is to adjust your mentality, If you are impatient and irritable, you are destined to do nothing well.

Fang Qingshi nodded, very educated.

Then it sounded again that Lauder asked a lot of questions about the compilation and engraving of the Upanishads.

Final alarm, back to image.

On the third day, come again.

This time the compilation was successful, and Fang Qing once again witnessed the birth of a high-ranking artifact.

That's it.

Assist with editing and engraving once a day, plus unstoppable sign-in.

Fang Qinghard's profound meaning and dimension blade practice progressed by leaps and bounds.

And the theoretical knowledge about the compilation and engraving of profound meanings is also in a cage.

The white horse is over.

In the blink of an eye, six months passed.

In half a year, Caroline has not left the customs yet.

The cultivation resources left to Elizabeth and the others are few and far between, and most of them are consumed!

On this day, the city of Sale was beautiful and sunny.

Fang Qing finally decided to get started with real swords and real guns, and started his first profound meaning compilation!

He felt that his theoretical knowledge was enough!

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Whether you can make a lot of money to support you depends on this wave of operations!!! 3.