Lauder suffers, seven artifact suits!


Bliss sneered and said, "Jealous of you? What are you kidding? – It's just a broken sword, I don't want to give it to me! Cousin, take a good look at the lower right corner of the left sword grid."


Feiqi snorted angrily, but also looked down subconsciously. After looking at it for two seconds, his pupils contracted violently, and his face turned pale.


In the lower right corner of the sword grid, there is a hole about one millimeter in size, the special police is small, if you don't look carefully, you will not know it at all.

The left side of the sword grid is not.

This shows that it is indeed a deliberate opening during the seal carving process.

"The profound meaning is compiled and engraved, this… originally intended to transform the divine artifact, this… this is a very normal thing."

Feige said hesitantly, wanting to justify, on the one hand, convince himself to accept this one-millimeter-large, insignificant small hole; on the other hand, hope that cousin will not care about these details.

However, Bliss just couldn't stand his cousin showing off and pretending to be cowardly, and he was determined to slap him in the face, so how could he give up halfway?

"Hehe~" Bliss joked, "but this is a flaw after all, isn't it? It's a pity, if such a beautiful sword is perfect, how good would it be? A flaw is a flaw, and a flaw is a broken sword. !

While speaking, he kindly caught Brother Biao 810, lowered his voice and said, "There will be a lot of participants at the family dance in a few days, so you will be ridiculed by a broken sword to show your ugliness? This is a matter of face. , Cousin is all for you to consider ah.

Feiqi's breathing became heavier, his eyes were red, his expression twisted, and his expression was hideous.

On the back of his hand holding the hilt of the sword, the veins were violent and trembling.

"Shit… dammit! Asshole! 99

Fitch let out a furious growl.

The six Bliss Heavenly Mansion women were so frightened that they hugged each other and shivered.

Although he knew that Bliss was deliberately instigating, the existence of flaws was real!

Because of his own incompetence, that humble engraver made his beloved sword flawed!

He immediately felt that the sword in his hand… was not fragrant.

Feiqi's eyes were fixed on the sword, and his eyes gradually became sinister and resentful.

"Cousin, why don't you go to the engraver to fix this gap?

Bliss pretended to make a good suggestion.

"No! 9

Feiqi gritted his teeth, the flames in his eyes burned, and said bitterly, "If something is defective, no matter how well it is repaired, it can't be called perfect. How can the Protoss wear clothes with patches? Another example is a woman who has lost her body. , Even if the body is reshaped, it is no longer pure.

"There are some things in this world that can't be made up for!


He turned over the table full of Xiao's wine, melons and fruits with one foot, full of suffocation, strode out with his sword in hand, and went straight out the door.

"Hey Hey!

Bliss watched Fitch in a rage and raised his sword thistle door, and he couldn't help showing a sinister smile, "Silly, let you show off! You show off der~ Ah! 3)

In fact, such a small flaw that can be ignored, appearing on a high-level artifact, is completely normal.

Feige is not unacceptable.

But when he was showing off his beloved sword, he was pierced by his cousin in front of six sisters, his face was damaged, and a small flaw was suddenly magnified infinitely, which became a defect that could not be ignored… This made him unable to Accepted.

Face is a big issue.

It's good to be pure!


Several guards saluted respectfully.

"Go back and find that despicable seal engraver!"

Feiqi's expression was ferocious, and his eyes were full of cruelty, "This young master will make him pay a great price!"

"Yes! 19

The guards were murderous.

Sale City, Inner City.

Gorgil Castle.

Black Fatty Building.

In the living room on the first floor, the old man Laude was wearing loose pajamas, lying on the sofa with a look of distress, drinking juice and reading books.

"Well, the sword should be sent to that pure hand, right?"

Lauder murmured to himself, and signed that he put aside his distracting thoughts and shook his head, "Tomorrow, I have to engrave two artifacts, take a good rest, and restore my mental strength." (bhad)

After all, he gently placed the book on the drying table.

Standing up, with his hands behind his back, his short and sturdy body jumped off the sofa, and was about to pace back to the bedroom to rest.


Suddenly, a loud noise shook the eardrums.

The entire small building was hit by a terrifying bombing, the tables, chairs and cabinets collapsed, the ground cracked, and the walls vibrated, shook and deformed violently.

A ray of defensive secrets bloomed on the building, offsetting the violent attack.

"Untouchables, roll the hook for this young master!"

A violent roar filled with resentment came.

Ryder's face suddenly changed, and panic filled his eyes.

This sound!

It's Fitch!

Feige hacked my workshop!

what happened?

Could it be that Fang Xiaozi didn't send the sword to him?

Did an accident happen while sending the sword?

Such a successful esoteric compilation.

Feige could not be dissatisfied.

Why did he come to trouble me?

Numerous thoughts rolled around in his mind.

But the situation is now too dire to think about.

Without hesitation, Lauder took out seven single-level artifact from the storage bag!

Helm, Inner Armor, Outer Armor, Leggings, Boots, Cloak, Shield!

Every artifact is surging with Profound Truths, and they are all defensive Profound Truths!

"Dog thing, do you think you can survive by shrinking in a turtle shell?"

Feige's brutal roar came again, someone came, "Demolish his dark and fat building for me! 99

boom boom boom

The terrifying profound meaning began to bombard Hei Fatty's small building, and the building suddenly crumbled.

Lauder's mouth twitched.

Don't hesitate now.

He dressed neatly on his hands and feet.

In an instant, the old man Lauder had put on a helmet, soft inner armor, coat armor, leggings, a cloak on his back, and a shield…

Get fully armed!

As a master of Upanishads, there is no lack of artifact in Lauder police!

The parts that can wear artifacts are basically worn.

Moreover, these seven artifacts are not ordinary single mystical artifacts.

Still a complete set!

Armor, helmet, soft armor, leggings, cloak, boots… There are metal buckles between the protective gears of various parts, which are tightly sewn together.

The package function can be activated.

The seven defense secrets mutually support each other.

Even in the face of the three terrifying upper gods, you can fight for a while!

"Master Gegil has gone to the world of Eroszu, and it is impossible to return in a short time. If I want to survive, I have to rely on myself."

Old man Lauder thought in his heart, "I hope Fang boy is lucky, don't come back at this time, run as far as you want!"

Mess with Fitch, the mad dog.

It was a shock for eight lifetimes!

Bang one

A terrifying loud noise came, and the sky shook.

Lauder's heart sank, and the black fat man's small building couldn't hold it anymore.