The tyranny is unreasonable, and the old man is bullied!


With a loud noise, the violent Profound Truth raged in all directions, roaring like a mad dragon.

With a sound of "click", the defensive meaning of the black fat man's small building was like glass, and there were dense cracks like a spider web, which was shocking.

Unable to withstand the attack, the defense mysticism was destroyed.

With the shattering of the mysterious defense cover.

The black fat man's hut collapsed suddenly.

"Hehe~ Break your turtle shell and see where else you can hide?

Feige held the sword with one hand, with a sly smile on his face, and his eyes were very cruel.

He didn't make a move.

It was Fitch's bodyguard who did it.

There are six single-esoteric median gods and three double-esoteric median gods.

This embroidery has nine personal guards, and all of them are powerful knights drawn from the royal knights by Lord Gegil. They have experienced hundreds of battles, and their strength is unparalleled!

Used to protect Chunba's son.

Fitch stared fiercely at the ruins in front of him and the dust in the sky. He raised his sword and was about to order Lauder to be slaughtered.

"Master Feige, please calm down!"

A shout came.

In the dust of the sky, a short and sturdy figure rushed out. Lauder was covered with artifacts, only a pair of eyes were exposed in the air, and he was holding a shield taller than others.

Feiqi's eyes were grim, and he grinned: "Hey, wearing a tortoise shell again? Do you think you can live?


Lauder quickly rushed to thirty feet away from Feige, then knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Master Feige, please calm down and don't be impulsive."


Although wearing an artifact, Lauder could only show weakness.

Because Fitch is a Protoss.

And he's just an outsider.

Outer Gods and Protoss hard drive.

It will be miserable, miserable.

Therefore, although Claude admitted that he had done nothing wrong, he still knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and put his posture very low.

The most important thing is that he spent his entire life on the inscription of the Upanishads. He was not a fighting-type god, and it could even be said that he had basically never fought.

And these nine knights are all elites!

Once it really hits.

He could only be beaten passively.

Can't even run!

The best choice is to find a way to quell the wrath of this pure-hearted young master Fitch, and to get through this life-and-death crisis safely.

Yet the facts are obvious.

Fitch couldn't let him go.

"Hehehe~ I'm calm!

Feiqi looked extremely ferocious, looked down at Lauder with a sinister and cruel look, and said with a grin, "If you dare to destroy my beloved sword, you will use your life as the price to pay for the loss of this young master."


The corners of Lauder's mouth twitched, his eyes looked at the sword in his hand, and he said loudly, "Master Feiqi, I definitely did not destroy your sword, I guarantee that it was the most successful engraving in my life!

He was telling the truth.

Compiling this sword has improved his success rate, which has been stagnant for thousands of years, and has broken through the bottleneck. It is definitely the pinnacle of Old Man Lauder's level.

And at a glance, the sword is also intact, and the profound meaning fluctuations on it are intact and not destroyed.

Lauder felt wronged.

"Success? Ridiculous!"

Feige roared, raised the sword Lauder to show the part of the sword grid, and roared violently, "What is this? Are you blind? What a beautiful and perfect sword, you actually made it flawed? You are damned! You are damned!"

Lauder is stupid.

He is really stupid.

never expected.

This so-called "destroyed sword of love" was actually because of a mark he left when he finished compiling the profound meaning…

"Master Fitch! 99

Lauder quickly explained, "You may have misunderstood the engraving of the profound meanings. This is not a flaw, it is a normal workflow. During the process of engraving, it is impossible for an artifact to remain intact and completely maintain its original appearance."

"Unless you are a master, if you ask any seal engraving master in the world to make a move, it is impossible for you to leave no trace after the engraving is finished.

"This is the mark of the upgrade of the artifact, just like the growth rings of a tree, and the memory of a person's growth, it is a part of art.

"The essence of the profound artifact is the profound meaning itself!"

"Appearance is only a dispensable appearance, the soul of the superior artifact lies in the profound meaning! 9)

"The profound meaning is complete, that is an absolute success!"

Lauder explained a lot with painstaking effort.

I hope Fitch understands.

His love is perfect.

That's not a flaw.

This sword is really perfect.


Feiqi shouted angrily and said angrily, "You know what a shitty artifact! What's the use of the profound meaning no matter how strong it is? This young master only values ​​the beauty of the sword's appearance. This young master only asks you to engrave the profound meaning for it, and does not allow you to do it without authorization. Change it! How dare you talk back? Court death!"

Lauder's mouth twitched.

Even the nine knights had strange expressions on their faces. They all knew that the master seal engraver was right and the young master was wrong, but as Feiqi's minions, even if they knew this, they would not change their position.

Right and wrong have no meaning.

Serving the master jar is truth.

So, no one speaks for Lauder.

The profound meaning of seal engraving and alteration are one, and the two cannot be separated.

But he couldn't tell at all, because Feige was too unreasonable and too domineering.

・・・ Flowers 0..

He's too difficult, or Fitch is too ignorant, this is pure idiot who really doesn't understand anything about profound meanings!

Lauder was trying to figure out how to continue to convince him.

Feige suddenly rushed up, punching and kicking at Lauder, slashing with his sword.

"Old thing! Dog thing! You lowly goddess! 39

The old man did not dare to fight back, he knelt on the ground and let him beat him to vent.


The divine artifact on his body shone with light, surging with seven kinds of profound meaning fluctuations, which easily counteracted all the attacks of Cong Qi.

Seeing this, Feige was even more furious, pointed his sword at Lauder's eyes, and shouted: "Take off your tortoise shell, immediately! 22

The defensive artifact set is too hard, he can't break the defense at all, and playing Lauder is like tickling.

So Fitch got angry and ordered him to take off his protective gear.

"Master Feige, please calm down.

Lauder knelt on the ground and lowered his head.


But there is no idea of ​​taking off the artifact.

What are you kidding?

He is not a fool.

This Kuai is holding a high-ranking divine weapon, and once he has no protective gear, he can't be slashed to death by these Kuai swords?!

take off?


"Bastard! I am a god clan, you scumbag, dare to disobey this young master?

Feiqi was even more angry, he turned his head and shouted at the nine knights, "Why are you still standing there? Give it all to me and kill him!"

"Yes! 99

Rumble one

The terrifying divine power erupted, and the nine median gods burst out with the aura of the mysterious law of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and they all swarmed up to kill Lauder.

When Lauder saw this, his eyes immediately turned cold.


The seven divine artifact suits suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, the old man directly opened the profound meanings, and the seven defensive profound meanings were connected together to form an indestructible defensive cover.

boom boom boom —

In other words, the nine median gods were bombarding him violently.

For a time, the mountains shook, the law of profound meaning was raging, and the ground of the entire inner city trembled, alarming countless gods.

Lauder's heart was burning with anger.

But he still gritted his teeth and held back!

He only defended his life diligently, and did not fight back, allowing the nine knights to brutalize him.

If you don't fight back, you may still live.

Once you fight back, the nature will be different, and it will become the death penalty of the outer god attacking the right god, and you will definitely die!

Many big figures in the inner city were attracted by the movement from Gegil Castle.

So the mental power swept over.

Seeing that it turned out to be Gegil's pure-blooded son, teaching a lesson from one of your outer god slaves, he lost interest and diverted his attention.

It's just an outer god, it's not a pity to die.

The trivial matters are not worth mentioning.