Time and space pre-borrowed, a fairyland after the scorched earth

The body of God evolved, and a strong force tore apart everything around him.

The ground beneath his feet fell into three feet abruptly, and the depths of the black scorched earth were still black scorched earth.

Fang Qing hard opened his eyes slowly, and his eyes stared at the body tightly.

The power of the six profound meanings of the upper god made him a little uncontrollable, and the energy in his body impacted all around him.

Fang Qing chuckled softly: "I didn't expect to become the High God of the Six Profound Truths like this.

"The most difficult profound meaning is the fastest to comprehend. If this is known to several other teachers, it is estimated that they will not believe it."

After comprehending the time and space advance loan, Fang Qing hard began to try for the first time.

The "*" mark in the godhead slowly glowed, and a powerful law of time and space passed through the godhead and turned into a silver arch.

Everything is carved on the arch, and the breath of time and space can be deeply felt from the arch.

"Eight Five Seven" Fang Qingshi's spirit and soul, through the arch, seems to have entered another world.

In that world, Fang Qingshi saw the same self.

The future Fang Qing looked at the current self like this, the two looked at each other with a smile on their lips.

The future Fang Qingshi smiled and said, "You are finally here.

Fang Qingshi nodded now.

The soul that entered the arch gave guidance to the future self.

The future self followed his soul, and through this silver arch, he directly entered the God Burial Remnant Realm.

The Artifact Spirit of the Heaven-cutting Divine Sword just watched as there were two more masters in front of him.

It didn't know what was going on, and was stunned for a while.

Qi Ling asked suspiciously: "Which jar is the owner of you?

The tool spirit felt the familiar aura from both of them, and this aura was connected to her own soul, so she had no way to judge.

Hearing Qi Ling's words, the future Fang Qing and the current Fang Qing laughed when they heard Qi Ling's words.

The current Fang Qingshi said: "I am, so is he.

In front of the Item Spirit, the future self took out an identical Heaven-cutting Divine Sword.

The divine sword was released, and an identical aura appeared in front of everyone.

The profound meaning of time and space borrowing in advance is to summon the future self.

It is not a projection, nor is it a clone, it just borrows the power of the future.

However, Fang Qingyan's use of space-time loan also has limitations. Through space-time loan, Fang Qing can only summon himself one year later.

Space-time pre-lending is like a key to break the shackles of future space-time.

The further into the future, the more complicated the lock will be, and the greater the power to break it.

Everyone's future has uncertainty, and the further the future is, the higher the uncertainty will be.

The future Fang Qing smiled hard and said: "You borrowed through time and space, and let me come to this time and space, and I also brought you a surprise. 19

An identical space-time law flows, and an arch appears in front of the two.

Outside the arch, the two vaguely saw another figure.

When the figure walked out of the arch, the current Fang Qing Shilian found out that this was another self.

Looking at the two people hooked in front of him, Fang Qing discovered that the profound meaning of time and space borrowing had completely surpassed his understanding.

You can summon your future self through time and space borrowing, and your future self can summon your future self through time and space borrowing. When one after another Fang Qing arrives here, the power formed is far greater than any one force.

Fang Qing said to himself: "I'm not just bringing an army with me?

Looking at his self one year later, Fang Qingyan wanted to get some information from his future self.

Entering this unknown area, one year later, you will always know more than you know.

But when he asked this question, his future self fell into doubt.

The memories in my mind seemed to be bound by shackles, no matter what my future self thought, I couldn't find any useful information.

Fang Qingjian thought about it, as if he knew the crux of the problem.

Fang Qingyu smiled and said to the crowd, "It is beyond comprehension that space-time advance borrowing can summon everyone here. If you can still know what will happen in the future and get news of the future, it will break the balance of the entire universe.

The future needs to be explored step by step, it is like a set track, and no deviation can occur.

Once this balance in the future is broken, the butterfly effect will occur.

Wanting to understand the future, Fang Qing olive is no longer persistent.

He sent his future self away, looking at the forbidden area covered with black scorched earth with a smile on his face.

"Is it time to explore this area?"

Entering the forbidden area, Fang Qing was randomly teleported to a place…

Now he doesn't even know where he is now.

Fang Qing chopped his head against the light of the Heaven-cutting Divine Sword and walked aimlessly forward.

I don't know how far I went, this black scorched earth slowly disappeared.

A fairyland appeared in front of Fang Qing's hard eyes, and the energy aura rushing towards him made Fang Qing feel a little hard to breathe for a while.

The energy here exceeds that of any place in God's Domain.

Fang Qingshi said in surprise: "How can there be such a place?

Looking at the sky in front of him, Fang Qing thought he had come to the wrong place.

But turning around and looking at the black scorched earth behind him, Fang Qingshi doubted that he was right.

Walking in this fairyland-like place, Fang Qing saw many things that had disappeared from the outside world.

God's Domain has existed for so many years and has undergone many years of changes.

There will always be old things gone and new things born.

But in this area, Fang Qing saw many things that had disappeared.

A hundred meters away from Fang Qingshi, there is a large star tree.

And this star tree is just the most common thing in this area.

Looking at the whole fairyland, Fang Qing couldn't control his breathing.

If you take some of these things and place them in the outside world, you will be challenged by various forces.

Fang Qing walked to the place where the starry sky tree was, and planned to put this starry sky tree into his own super-large world.

But before he could move, the ground under his feet suddenly shook.

With his own intuition, Fang Qing quickly restrained his breath and hid in a safe place.

"Bang bang bang~"

The shaking of the ground became more and more violent, and the sound of the vibration became louder and louder.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Fang Qingshi knew that the Lord was about to appear.

Sure enough, a huge figure hook appeared in front of Fang Qing's eyes.

The reason why the voice was loud is because Fang Qing only saw the other side's kick.

It was a bronze-colored foot, the size of four starry sky chariots of the Seven Gods.

There are blue veins on the feet, twisting slightly, you can feel a strong breath.

Every time that foot lands on the ground, it leaves a huge pit,