Swallowing the whale died and found a tiger

Fang Qing looked up at the sky above the giant feet, wanting to see the figure of the other party.

But before he could see clearly, another huge creature suddenly appeared behind him.

Fang Qingcian was very familiar with this creature that had just appeared.

It is the swallowing whale that destroys the time-space tunnel and prevents everyone from coming.

The swallowing whale flapped its wings as if sliding in the sky.

The rhythm of the giant foot figure made the swallowing whale a little scared.

The swallowing whale roared uncontrollably, as if to express the fear in his heart in this way.

The giant-footed figure heard the cry of the spring whale, and his footsteps suddenly stopped in place.

"Quack quack~"

He let out a long laugh, and a giant bronze hand passed through the thick clouds and directly grabbed the swimming sky-swallowing whale.

The giant hand moved quickly, and the swallowing whale was directly caught in his hand.

The Spring Whale, caught by the giant hand, twisted its body, trying to get rid of the opponent's confinement.

But no matter how twisted it was, there was no way to escape the giant hand.

The giant hand grabbed the spring whale and slowly pulled it back, as if to eat the swallowing whale.

But the giant hand just passed through the clouds, and the swallowing whale saw the opportunity and bit it on the giant hand.

"Roar. 17"

The intense pain caused the owner of the giant hand to directly throw the swallowing whale.

The swallowing whale slammed into the starry sky tree and directly overwhelmed all the starry sky trees.

Fang Qing watched helplessly as all the starry sky trees were destroyed, and felt very sorry in his heart.

The swallowing whale, who escaped the catastrophe, hurriedly rolled over, trying to escape from here.

But who would have guessed that it just flew the hook not far, and two giant hands appeared on the left and right sides.

These two giant hands grabbed the swallowing whale and tore the swallowing whale in half without hesitation.

The blood overflowing in the sky turned into a pouring rain of blood, which was poured into this fairyland, and sprinkled on Fang Qing who was hiding not far away.

The owner of the giant hand pulled the torn Sky-Swallowing Whale back into the clouds and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Then, after a loud laugh, the owner of the giant hand disappeared.

Fang Qingyan looked at the blood on the ground and remembered what happened just now, feeling a little unreal.

The starry sky monster in the fairyland has exceeded his imagination.

Staying in this place always makes him nervous and fearful.

Fang Qing thought to himself: "It seems that we have to find a way to leave as soon as possible, it is too dangerous to stay here.

The cultivation base of the swallowing whale has reached the peak of half the main god, but when he encounters the master of the giant hand, he still cannot escape the fate of becoming a meal on the plate.

Fang Qing couldn't imagine what starry beasts he would encounter next.

Walking, walking, Fang Qing walked aimlessly in the forbidden area, he was not sure where he was, and could only rely on luck to see if he could find a way out.

Along the way, Fang Qingshi has gained a lot. Although the fairyland is dangerous, there are many rare things.

With the strength of the great master of seal carving, Fang Qing broke through many restrictions and obtained many treasures.

There are no years in the fairyland, and Fang Qingshi doesn't know how long he has walked.

On this day, Fang Qingshi had just broken a ban when he heard a sound from afar.

He was attracted by this sound, from the sound, Fang Qing could hear the other party's sadness.

Fang Qing's rigid body moved in that direction involuntarily.

When Fang Qingji arrived at the location of the sound, he found that the sound came from two sunny tigers.

The two sunny tigers are a mother and son. They live in a cave with a nebula lion signed on the outside of the cave.

The Nebula Lion outside the cave stretched out its huge claws, trying to grab the Sunny Tiger inside the cave.

But the hole is too small to fit only one of its paws.

The giant claw is getting closer and closer, and the safety range of the tiger mother and child in sunny days is getting smaller and smaller.

At this critical moment, the female Qingtianhu let out a long howl.

Its body suddenly grew larger, opened the entire cave, and hit the opponent's claws directly.

The Nebula Lion looked at the sunny tiger in front of him, and the corner of his mouth showed a grin.

The huge body swooped over, and his paws slashed on Qingtianhu's body.

Five huge wounds appeared on Qingtianhu's body.

The female Sunny Tiger didn't seem to feel the pain in her body, she turned around and stretched out her tongue to lick the wound.

Nebula Lion looked at the sunny tiger in front of him, his eyes a little dignified.

One tiger and one lion watched silently, and in an instant, the Nebula Lion launched a second attack.

At this moment, Qingtianhu is like a warrior who is not afraid of death, no matter how the opponent attacks, regardless of his own injuries, he will not allow the opponent to take advantage of it.

The two star beasts fought for a long time, and all the surrounding trees were destroyed.

Fang Qing watched the battle, watching the Nebula Lion's leg being bitten off by the Qingtian Tiger, and watching the Qingtian Tiger's half head being destroyed.

At the end of the battle, Qingtianhu finally fell into the hands of Nebula Lion.

Nebula Lion was also frightened by the opponent's attack, and hurriedly left the area.

Qing Tianhu, who fell in a pool of blood, seemed to have found Fang Qing's presence. With his last strength, Qing Tianhu grabbed Fang Qingshi.

The female Sunny Tiger put Fang Qingshuo next to the little Sunny Tiger.

Fang Qing olive originally thought she was going to die at the hands of the other party, but looking at the pleading eyes of the female Qingtian Tiger, Fang Qingshi understood that he was wrong.

The female Sunny Tiger is about to die, and without her care, the Sunny Tiger cub may be eaten by predators that have just been around.

In order to save its own child, it fought with all its might, and now it needs someone who can help take care of the baby, and Fang Qing is its only choice.

The female Qingtianhu put her head on Fang Qingshi, and then licked Fang Qingshi with her tongue, hoping that Fang Qingpao 857 would accept its last plea and express her greatest gratitude.

Fang Qingshi nodded, picked up the Qingtian tiger cub on the ground, and bowed to the great mother.

The female Sunny Tiger fulfilled her dying wish and closed her eyes with a loud roar.

The Qingtian tiger cub looked at its mother lying on the ground, walked to her side step by step, and licked her tongue lightly on her mother's face, as if to wake her up.

But no matter what it did, the mother still lay there.

Fang Qingyan looked at the situation in front of him and sighed deeply.

He wants to leave here as soon as possible. The battle between the two star beasts has already attracted the attention of other creatures. In addition, the strong bloody atmosphere here will definitely attract other powerful star beasts.

Fang Qing picked up the Sunny Tiger cub on the ground and quickly left the area.

And just as he left this area, a terrifying aura appeared around him.

The masters of these breaths descended on this area at the fastest speed.

They looked at the female Sunny Tiger lying in a pool of blood with excitement in their eyes.

In order to compete for food of the female Sunny Tiger lying in a pool of blood, the starry beast descended here with a huge roar hook, and the second battle also broke out.

The battle is getting bigger and bigger, the ground is vibrating more and more violently, and the collapse of ancient trees can be seen everywhere.