Chapter 1

Hello, my name is Angela, i am 17 years old and i'm a werewolf. I lived with my Mom, dad, two brothers and an older sister but 8 years ago, my life drastically changed. In a way, it changed for the better but also for the worst because you see at around 9 years old, some people ambushed my pack and took me away from my family. All i know is that they shot my father in front of me. I know he's dead but I couldn't get my head around it. I had no idea if my mom or my siblings are okay. I eventually managed to escape and lived on my own for a while. After some time i met my mate and had a wonderful family.

It turns out the family who i thought i was born in to wasn't actually my family. Confusing I know but here's my story.

(8 Years ago)

"Mom".... "Dad"? I called out.

That's strange. There's nobody here. I have just woken up from my nap and wanted to ask to see if i can go to the park with my siblings. I looked all over the house, the kitchen, sitting room, the other bedrooms and they were nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden I heard loud screams and cries pleading for help. I was 9 years old at the time. Confused and scared, I remembered something my parents said. You see, behind a huge bookcase there was a hidden panic room that only a few people knew about. You see.... we had a huge bookcase in the hallway and in the front of the stairs and if you move certain things, the bookcase moves to the side revealing a secret room and inside that room, there are enough supplies for about a year if needed. There is also a couple of bunk beds and a phone to call people if we needed help. Anyways my parents have always said...

"If you hear anything scary, you must hide in there and lock the door". So I hid, locking the door behind me. Only my parents knew the code to open the door. I ended up falling asleep for a while because I wanted this nightmare to end. But i woke up to loud noises at the door being opened.

"Angela" I heard, "Angela" I heard again. The door opened showing my mother crying.

" what happened mother" I questioned.

"I'm so sorry sweety" she said hugging me.

"Sorry for what, what's happening, i'm scared" I said crying and clinging onto my mother. The next thing i knew, my dad was shot dead in front of me.

I heard some more bangs and smoke pouring into the house.

"You remember what to do"? Mother asked

I nodded

"Now go in there, lock the door and be quiet, I'll come and get you when it's safe, do you understand"?


"I said Do you understand"? She said again shaking me.

"yes mother, I understand" I said crying.

"Now, be a good girl, I love you" she said stroking my hair.

"I love you too" I said as mother slightly pushed me inside and closing the door.

Unfortunately I can still hear what was going on outside, children and parents crying and men, soldiers, shouting

"You will never find her" I heard to mother tell them.

"Do you think we are stupid, NOW.... MOVE....OUT....OF.....THE.....WAY..." One of the men bellowed.

The door was soon open and found three big men in front of me, one of which was holding a gun to my mother's head.

"Please.... Don't hurt her" I pleaded with the men.

"I won't hurt her as long as you come with us"

I nodded "I'll do whatever you want" and I followed them out of the door.

Before I knew it, I was being pushed inside a van and they drove off. Mom was running behind the van crying and shouting and the next thing I knew, I heard two gunshots.

"NOOOOO" I screamed trying to get out of the van but the men was too strong for me and I sat back down.

"What do you want from me" I asked.

"You will soon see, your highness"

At the moment i am scared and confused to why they would call me highness.

I just have to hope and pray that my siblings are okay. GOD i hope they are. I miss them, even my big sister.

I cannot believe i will never see my dad again. I started quietly crying. I didn't want to give them a reason to hurt me or go back and hurt anymore people.

I hope i can escape before these people find out who i am. A werewolf. I knew i was one since before i could talk but i'm not yet at the age where i can shift. Werewolves usually shift by the age of 13. I have no idea what colour my fur is. My eyes are green so I will probably have a normal brownish coat colour. I was so excited for that day before this happened. I heard it hurts a lot. I was also excited for the day i find my mate, the person who will love me for me and me the same for him.

So, anyway, as i sat in the back of the van, i had all of these memories and had a lot going through my head. i had flash back after flash back. I remember when my dad use to put me on his shoulders and we would go berry picking and have a picnic before we came home and watched a few movies before bed.

Another thought i had always have is how come i don't look like anyone in my family. I had long brown strait hair, i'm tall for my age, quite slim though. I also had green eyes. Whereas people in my family had blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes.

I have always asked my parents how come i don't look like them. They have always said that it may have been from generations ago such as my grandparents or even my great-grandparents. I never met them though. They must have died before i was born. I would have loved to meet them.

"We are here" i heard the driver say as i snapped out of my trance.