Chapter 2

"Where are we" I asked, still crying.

"None of your business, shut of". The older one demanded.

We arrived at what it appeared to be a abandoned warehouse.

I claimed out of the van and the men led me inside and down some stairs. Once down there, they tied me up and put silver collar around my neck... You see, silver is harmful to werewolves. Silver also makes us more weak so i couldn't fight back. I had to sit on this old mattress in the corner of this dingy room.

Who are these people i thought. How do they know i'm a werewolf? I can't smell that they are one. Are they rouges that can hide their scent?

Day after day, i had recurring memories of my friends and family. Every night i had the same bad dream, of these people taking me from my family. I just want to go home i thought. I want to have a shower and get in my nice comfy bed and go to sleep. I haven't had proper sleep since i was taken.

I was soon snapped out of my daydream when i smelt someone coming so i close my eyes pretending to go to sleep.

"I know your awake" i heard someone softly say, so i opened my eyes and in front of me stood a boy, he's younger than the other guys.

"`Who are you" i said scared.

"A friend, if you let me be" he said to me.

"Please don't hurt me, i will do whatever you want"

"I'm not going to hurt you, don't worry, I'm here to help you, i never agreed on what these people do but i pretend so my family don't get hurt and so i can help other people like you, i'm here so you can have some hope and see a friendly face. These people trust me so i come up with an excuse to talk to you and see how you are"

"Who are these people" I asked

"The mafia, they are basically a gang that use power for illegal things such as drugs and weapons, they attacked your pack so they can get their hands on some weapons and such and yes they know about werewolves"

"What do they want from me"

"Well..... your parents killed the boss's Son, he was going to take over but something went wrong and he was killed and he had people keep an eye on you and on your every move, they noticed that you were their little girl and you and your dad was quite close"


So days turned into weeks , weeks turned in to months and months turned into years.

I was only fed bread and water twice a day if I was lucky, some days I didn't eat at all. I also had a bath one a year, sometimes not even that.

(Present day)

So... Here I am again running through some long trees and Mud. Did I mention that I was running barefoot, those guys took my shoes when I first arrived so I couldn't get far but I didn't care, I had to escape, so I waited till they fell asleep, they forgot to tie me up and lock the door so I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was, all I remember was my age, 15.

My legs were hurting after running for hours. After about 6 hours. I stopped to find a cave. Inside the cave I found some steps leading to a little cubby hole, big enough for me to live in for a while

(2 Years later)

Two years... Two years I have been hiding, living in the cave. I need to keep going. I need to find a job. Anything to keep going.

So.... I left the cave and started running again. I was very weak on account of the lack of food.

I ran for 4 hours. The last thing I remembered was hitting the cold hard floor.

(Leo's P. O. V)

I was out doing border control when I smelt a certain smell. It smelt like vanilla and cut grass.

I ran to follow the scent, all the way to this lake I use to go to too get away from soon-to-be alpha duties, my father is the current alpha, I am suppose to take over next year on my 21st birthday.

So... anyway, I got to the lake and I saw what looked like a girl floating on the lake. As soon as I saw her. I knew.... MATE.... I picked her up and placed her on the ground. She's still breathing. Thank god, I thought.

(Mindlink to Alpha Thomas)


"Yes, son"? He answered back.

"I found a girl floating in the lake, she s breathing... Dad... I think she's my mate"

"I'll be there as soon as I can*

(Mindlink ended)

As I waited, I looked at this beautiful girl lying on the floor, who did this to you? I thought

My dad arrived with the doctor and a few other pack members. He crouched down beside her as the doctor quickly examined her.

The doctor noticed how underweight the girl must be and also noticed rope burns and cuts and bruises.

"We should carefully bring her back to the house" Doctor Amanda said.

I carefully picked this frail girl up and started to walk back to the house. When we got home, I placed her on the bed in the first bedroom we came to.

As I placed her on the bed, I covered her with the duvet and other spare blanket. I then let Doctor Amanda thoroughly examined her some more.

(An hour later)

"How is she" I asked the doctor.

"she will be okay, she is severly malnourished, by the look of her feet, she has been running for hour or even years, she's got marks on her back Indicating she may have been abused for years before you found her and she is probably around 15-17 years old by other features such as her teeth".

"oh god.... Ohh okay, when will she be awake" I asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure, it could be days, weeks or even months, only time will tell" she responded.

"well... What can you do till then"?

"I can put her on drips to keep her healthy and to help her put some weight on, all you need to do is keep her warm and just keep an eye on her to make sure she stays okay and healthy, I'll come twice a day to check on her and to refil her bag"

And with that, she left.