Chapter 3

2 Weeks later

(Leo's P.O.V)

A lot happened these past two weeks. If i wasn't by her side, then i was either checking the borders or looking for clues to what happened to this poor girl. Nothing has changed.... The doctor in like she said she would, to check on her healing and her weight and to also refilling her food bag. She was gaining weight and finally looked healthy. God, she was beautiful. She had long black raven hair that went past her shoulders and rosy red cheeks. she was of average height and looked quite young.

I looked at this unknown girl and noticed her eyelids flutter and her face was crinkling up as if she was trying to open her eyes. Finally, after a few minutes, i see a pair of lovely emerald green eyes looking back at me.

(Angela's P.O.V)

uh..... Where am I? I thought. Am i blind? I could only see pitch black. Maybe my eyes are shut. I should try to open them. So...after a couple of tries, they were open.

"Well..... hello there" I heard a face say.

I looked at where the voice came from and there he was

"Who are you, Where am i?"

"I am Leo, Soon to be Alpha of the Blooodmoon stone pack, I found you floating in the lake unconscious and brought you back to my pack to heal and treat you. How old are you, and what is your name? " He replied.

"My name is Angela Philips and I'm 17 "

"Are you up to answering some questions?" He asked

I nodded.

"okay, question one, What pack are you from"?

"I don't know"

"Question two, are you alone, where are your parents"?

"My dad was shot in front of me and i begged then to not hurt my mother and they promised they wouldn't if i came with them. But, i have not idea what happened to my siblings." she said as she started crying.

"You've got siblings?"

"Ummm... yeah but i'm not sure if they okay"

"How old was they when it happened?"

"Ummm..I had an older sister, she may have been about 15 years old and i had two brothers. One was 6 and one was about 4 i think".

"What happened? What was the last thing you remembered before you was taken?"

"Ummmmm...I was about nine years old .... i think, i remembered hearing cries, shouting and loud noises, i remembered my dad being shot and my mom was crying, i don't know what happened to her. The next thing i knew, i was being shoved into a van and drove for i don't know for how long. I was brought inside of this abandoned building in the middle of nowhere and i was being tied up."

"How long was you there for" He asked me.

"I don't know, about six years.... i think. Things were bad to begin with but then i made a friend" i replied


"Yeah, a boy, younger than the others. He told me why i was taken and who the guys were. He said he didn't agree with what they dad but he chose to stay to help people like me, he made all kinds of excuses to come and see how i was"

"Who are the guys and why did they take you"

"They were a part of the Mafia and they took me because my parents killed their son because something went wrong"

"How did you escape"? He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"After he gave me some bread and water, he forgot to lock the door, I waited for them to go to sleep and managed to get out of my restrains. This boy saw me but he was on lookout for me and he wished me look and would find me soon, so I ran.... I ran for miles and miles until I came across a deep, dark cave, where I can hide. I lived there for the next two years, drinking out of a nearby lake, eating berries and hunting animals. I figured I was there for too long, I tried hiding my scent as long as i could but that look a lot of energy from me and i was feeling tired and weak but i knew i needed to run and find somewhere new to hid, so that's what i try to do. I ran, but i was feeling dizzy and hungry but i carried on running and well.... that's the last thing i remembered, until i woke up here.

"Did they hurt you"? He asked angrily.

"They slapped and punched me if I cried asking for my parents or if i wasn't listening, but apart from that, then no, not much, after sometime, i just learnt to listen and pray I get out of there alive, they also put a silver thing around my neck, they obviously knew about werewolves because silver weakens us"okay, are you hungry or tired"?

"Both, i guess"

"Okay, I'll go get the doctor to check you over and to take the drip out of your hand, the good thing is that you have put some weight on so you should be okay, then i'll go get you something to eat. After you eaten you can sleep for a bit to get your energy up, we'll talk some more in the morning"

"Okay, thank you... for everything" i said smiling at him.

"your welcome" he smiled back.

After half an hour later the doctor came and too my drip out.

"So, how are you feeling?" She asked

"Feeling a lot better, thank you"

"Good, i'm just going to examine you a little first before you eat"

"Okay" i replied

About ten minutes later she was done.

"Well, you certainly look healthy and you have put on some weight"

I smiled and said thank you.

A few minutes later and Leo brought me some soup and sandwich, I can't remember the last time I ate something this good. I ate it all up savoring every taste and i fell asleep.