Chapter 6

The next morning

I woke up in my bed which is weired considering i fell asleep on the sofa. I think i'm going to have a nice long shower and put my new fresh things on.

I decided to go for the matching pink bra and underwear, a vest, the long sleeved black top and the blue bottoms with flowers on them and have also decided to put the white fluffy jumper on because i am feeling a bit cold this morning.

(Knock, knock)

"Come in" i shouted as i was tying my hair up.

"Good mornin.... oh, you look beautiful, you have really nice taste"

"Your mom and sister picked it out for me" i replied.

"Yeah, well... you make it work" he said laughing.

"Want to have some breakfast and then there's something i want to talk to you about"

"Okay, anything serious?"

", nothing bad, don't worry"

So i finished sorting my self out such as brushing my teeth and then i joined him downstairs in the kitchen and sat down at the table. His whole family was here including some people i have no idea who they are.

"Angela, these are some people i would like you to meet, this is Rosie, she's about your age and this is Richard, he is a school principle and i thought you might want to go, you have missed out on your education too much, they are both werewolves like us so they can keep a look out for you and in case anything happens, they will have your back"

"So, tell me Angela, have you shifted yet?" Richard asked

"No, they kept me weak with wolfsbane and silver so i couldn't, I don't even know what my fur looks like" i said as tears came down on my face.

"Oh, well.... what fur was your parents and other family?" he asked.

"Well, i have never met my grandparents. As a wolf, they had dark brown fur and they was quite small in build, but as human form, i look nothing like them. They were average height whereas i was tall for my age. They had blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes but my natural colour is black strait hair with green eyes"

"Oh, was you adopted"

"No, i don't think so, i have always questioned it but they always said it may have been from generations ago"

"Oh, well, most of the people at my school are werewolves, the only people who are human are the mates, yes it's rare but it can still happen and as you are going to be luna, there will be a special class for you because some of the time, you may be in charge of certain things and you will probably be put in a special room until you shift because you will need help the first time and then you can carry of living here if you want as you are a luna and would need to stay here, would that be okay?"

"Umm... yeah i guess, but i haven't been in school since i was 9, i wouldn't know what to do or how to behave"

"Don't worry about that, that's why you have Rosie, she will teach and guide you and i have made sure she's is every class and she know's who to introduce you to that will also help"

"Okay, sounds good"

"Okay, how about you and Rosie get to know each other in your bedroom, maybe she can help you put your stuff away" Leo said.

"Okay" Me and Rosie said at the same time.

So we went to my bedroom and sat on the bed silently for a few minutes.

"So.... Rosie said, how have you been, Leo told me your story"

"I've been fine thank you, actually a lot better" i said a bit sad.

"Then why do you look sad" she asked

"I miss my family"

"Yeah, Leo told me about your parents, so you don't know what happened to your siblings?"

"No" i said quietly.

"Okay, let's sort your stuff out and talk about happy stuff"

"Yeah, okay"

So one by one, we began putting the clothes into the draws and stuff like the dresses into the wardrobe and we even changed my bedding and it feels so nice to be clean.

"So.... your going to be at school with me?"

"Yeah... don't worry, i'll look out for you. We start Monday so you have got a few days to get it inside your head, maybe we can go shopping for some stuff you will need for school. Gives us some time to get to know each other"

"Yeah, that sounds amazing, i haven't had a proper friend in sooo long"

"Good" Rosie said smiling.

After we put my stuff away, i wanted to get some breakfast as i have forgotten to get some earlier with the chaos. So i wanted to have my usual and wanted to have a changed so i decided to have some bacon and pancakes.

After i had eaten, Rosie called some of her closest friends over and we all went out shopping again for the second time in two days. We went to the same place again. The mall. We went to this special school shop. Luckily there was no uniform, but i needed stuff like stationary, books, school bag and other stuff.

So, we can a couple packs of pens and pencils, erasers, ruler, a maths set a pencil case, high lighters, some more coloured pens, A couple of books for each subject, a date diary, a calculator and a school bag.

"Do you need anything else" Rosie asked me.

"No, don't think so". I replied.

"Good, how about a movie and dinner?"


So we went to the cinema and saw beauty and the beast. This movie is amazing i thought. After the film ended, we went to Mcdonalds and had a burger and some fries. I could get use to this.

After a long morning, we finally went home.

"Got everything you need?" Leo said

"Yep, i think so" i replied.

"Good, I have got some work i need to take care of, why don't you go and see Sophie for a bit and get to know here, she's in the garden."

"Okay" I replied as he kissed my head.

I walked to the garden and then she was, Sophie sat on the bench looking happy.

"Oh hey," Sophie called out".


"What's happening?" i asked.

Then i saw Leo running towards me,

"You and Sophie have got to go to the panic room"

"Why" i said panicking

"Just go, follow Sophie.

I followed Sophie down to what it seems like a basement and inside was all of Leo's siblings and mom.