Chapter 7

"What was that" i asked Sophie.

"I don't know, just stay here."

The next thing i know, the door was being opened and stood there was Leo himself. I rushed to hug him but something was different. Then i saw.

"Leo, your bleeding" I exclaimed.

I was shocked but then Leo looked down to where it was coming from and then he

collapsed and i was scared. NOOOOO, I heard what happens if you lose your mate, it can either kill you and perhaps even makes women commit suicide. But, you see, you can have a second chance mate if this happens or if they get rejected but i don't want a second mate, i want Leo. I love you i thought, i know we haven't known each other for long but i knew.

"SOMEONE CALL HELP" I shouted. So Sophie and a few other pack members ran and they brought back his parents and Doctor Amanda.

"Please save him" i begged.

"I will try my best, don't you worry, you can come with me if you want"

I nodded as i was still sobbing and could hardly speak.

As i was walking to the emergency room with Leo, I had loads of stuff running through my mind like what if i don't have a chance to say I love you or don't have a chance to talk about a lot of stuff. We hardly spoke about my or his life, I just went shopping with the girls or we had a movie day and had a walk. I want a chance to do all those things i wanted to do since i found my mate.

We arrived at the emergency room and he was placed on the bed and was immediately hooked up with loads of wires to loads of machines.

"Ah, there's a bullet lodged in there but luckily it's not by any vital organ's so he should be okay... Angela.... as he has found his mate.... recovery and healing won't take that long, just stay by his side and talk about stuff until he wakes up"

"Okay" i said while nodding.

So that's what i did, i just sat in the comfy chair in the day talking about all kinds of things or i would lie with him and carry on talking or try and get some sleep if i could but i had nightmare after nightmare and no one telling me it will be okay.

I need him....No.... I want him. Every part of him. I wanted to raise a family with him. I wanted to marry him and only him till death do us part.

Before we know it, two weeks has passed.

"Mmmm urg" I heard a face say. I was lying down with my head on his chest and i looked up and there he was, his beautiful eyes looking down at me.

"Hey" I said softly but happily.

"I love you" before he managed to even open his mouth but he smiled back and said that he loves me to and kissed me on the lips. Oh, how i craved that for these past two weeks.

"So.... are we mates or is there something else we need to do" I said laughing.

"Well... we are mates but there are three stages"


"Yes, the first one is when we first saw each other, the second is marking you, so i got to use my teeth and bite on your neck and it will leave a permanent mark, kind of like a tattoo and the third is more physical if you know what i mean" He said laughing.

"Physical? Oh right..." I said finally understanding what he meant.

"Will it hurt" i asked worrid.

"Only for a few minutes, it may be sore to touch for a few days but it will show other wolves that your my mate and you belong to me".

"I want to do it"

"You sure, you don't want to wait till you eighteen" he asked suprised.

I shook my head.

"I'm sure" i said reasurring him

"Well.... close the door then... this should be a private matter between the two of us"

So i got up and shut the door carefully and made me way back over to the bed. He sunked his took into the right side of my neck, he was right, it did hurt but now i was finally his and only his. Ow i thought, but it also felt nice in a way."

"There, all done" he said admiring his work. It kind of looked like the sun, it was beautiful.

"There is another thing i forgot to tell you.... now that you have my mark, we can mindlink each other, that means we can talk to each other through my mind and when we do the third stage which won't be until your eighteenth birthday at least, there's a ceremony we do to officially invite you to the pack and also to be out Luna, after that, you can hear other people mindlink you so say if someone needed or wanted to, they can just speak to you through their mind"

"Oh, that sounds exciting and amazing"

"Oh, your awake, great" said Amanda knocking the door and walking in.

"Oh, i see your officially going to be our Luna"

I blushed, how did she know.

(Mindlink from Leo)

I can hear your thoughts now beautiful, she can see your mark and my scent is all over you and he chuckled.

(Mindlink ended)

I blushed as he said this.

"Well, your good to go" Amanda announced.

Leo got up to quickly go to the bathroom while i was packing our stuff.

"So.. how do you feel about moving into my bedroom, now, I officially have marked you, we would feel aching for each other and can't be without each other and I know that and I have only been to the bathroom" he laughed while walking out of the bathroom.

"I would loved to" I said happily.

"Great" he said as he kissed my lips.

We got home and was soon surrounded by everyone.

"Son, I know you just got out of the hospital but we need to talk" said Leo's dad.

"Okay... Angela, I won't be long" Leo said letting go of my hand.


So, while they went to talk, Sophie came up to me and pulled me to the side.

"Oh, he's finally marked you I see"

"Oh, Yeah" I said blushing.

"We have got loads to talk about"

So she took my arm and dragged me go the kitchen.

"Go sit, I'll make up something to eat and some coffee, you look like you need it" Sophie said.

I sat at the table and after five minutes, she brought over a bacon and egg sandwich and a cup of coffee with extra if we needed it. I could also so that cooking runs in the family. I soon scoffed it down and the coffee aswell so i poured myself another cup.

"So.... tell me" she said getting too happy.

"Well..... He woke up early this morning and i just said that i love him because i regretted not doing it sooner... and i asked him about me being his mate and he told me about the stages and then i asked him so he did and then he asked me to move into his bedroom and i said yes....So tell me Sophie... have you completed your mate bond yet?"

"Yes, not too long when I turned eighteen but I wanted to wait a little bit until you was okay and I wanted to help out, My mate, Russel was completely okay with it, he stayed with me for a bit and then he had to go back to Russia because he is the Alpha there. He totally understand why I chose to stay and he's going to come back in a few months and stay until After Leo becomes Alpha and you Luna and then I'll go back with him and start settling down starting with getting married, hope you and the family can come"

"Of course we will, I'm so happy for you" I said hugging Sophie.

Just as we finished our talk, Leo came through the doors.

"Hey" he said hugging me.

"Hi, did everything go okay with your father"

"Yes, he just wanted to talk about the attack"

"Was that why there was sirens and we had to go to the panic room, what did you find out?"

"Yeah, it was the Mafia".

"Did they come for me?" I said crying and shaking.

"I don't know, probably but don't worry, I will keep you safe or die trying" he said kissing me.

"How about we watch a movie and get to bed? We can move your stuff tomorrow. Did you eat?"

"Yeah Sophie gave me bacon and egg sandwich, it was delicious"

"Mmmm... Let me guess, did she want information"

"Yeah, she was quite persistant" I said Laughing.

"Well.. let's put that movie on and go to bed, Want to wear one of my shirts".

"Yeah, sure" I said happily

I don't think I even made it through the entire movie before falling asleep happy.