The next morning.
I woke up quite happy this morning and walked over to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I looked into the mirror and admired my mark. I can't believe I actually belong to someone who loves me and treats me right. I haven't had that in so long.
I had just finished my shower with my towel wrapped around me and Leo walked and hugged me from behind kissing my mark.
"That looks so beautiful on you"
I smiled "I need to get ready" I whispered in his ears
"Okay, I go and get some clothes for you as you have seem to forgotten"
"Oh dear, Okay" I laughed.
As Leo went to get some clothes, I was just sat on his bed waiting for him and Looking at my phone, yes, Leo got me phone the other day and I was just learning to use it as I had no idea what to do.
"Here you go" Leo said handing my clothes.
"Thank you"
"Want some breakfast?"
"Yeah, I just need to finish getting ready and I'll be down"
"Okay" He said kissing me.
After, he kissed me, he left me alone to get ready so i put on the outfit he picked out for me, is everyone is this damn family know style as well as how to cook i said to myself.
Leo chose a nice flowery top that exposed my neck and shoulders so I can show off my mark and he also picked out a pair of greyish Jeans. After I put them on, I decided to pick up the shoes I had on last night and run to my room. I wanted to dress to impress now that Leo has properly claimed me. I put the shoes away and picked up some black heels that went well with the outfit. I had also blow dried my hair and curled it. I wanted to surprise Leo and I felt good today So I decided to wear some perfume and makeup. All done I thought.
After I finished getting ready, I felt like drawing after I had eaten so I picked up a sketchbook, some pencils and also Colouring pencils and Popped them into my bag and made my way in to the kitchen.
I arrived to the kitchen and sat there was Rosie.
"Oh, hey Rosie" I said.
"Hey, I just wanted to check how you are feeling about school Monday".
"I'm actually feeling good about that, I'm excited to meet new people"
"Great, so I'll get going so you can eat, Bye you two"
"Bye" me and Leo said at the same time.
"So.... what did you want to do today after we have eaten" Leo asked me.
"I was thinking about maybe sitting in the garden and Putting my sketch book to some good use"
"Oh, okay, while you do that, I'll go and get on top of some things so i'm free later if you want to do something. How about dinner at a restaurant?"
"Oh sure, that sounds like fun, what time?"
"7 'O' Clock okay?"
"That's great"
"Good, I'll meet you outside our bedroom, Maybe you could occupy yourself after you finished drawing and invite some people over and they can help you move our room, sounds good"
"Okay, I'll see you later, " he said kissing me.
While Leo attended to some business, I decided to draw the big apple tree in the garden while I sat on the bench.
"Hey Angela"
"Hey, I said without looking up"
"Wow, that look's amazing"
"Thanks I said finally looking at her.
"I was meaning the ask you if you could to help me move in to Leo's room today some point before half six because I got to get ready, He's taking me to dinner in some restaurant"
"Of course I can, come and get me when your ready, I'll be in my room"
So, i finished drawing and added some colour and put my stuff away and in to my and Leo's room and I went to find her"
" Come in" Sophie called out.
"Hey, ready to start moving your stuff?"
We walked over my room and luckily I haven't gotten rid of the bags yet so we just put everything back in the bags including the stuff in the bathroom, Leo has got an en-suit in his room so it will be a lot easier to get dressed in the bedroom.
My bedroom and his bedroom was practically next door so it will be quite easy to move stuff. It took a few trips still but we got it done eventually. As soon as I made my last travel, Leo came in.
"Hey, how are you settling in"
"Good, your sister was a huge help in my moving."
"That's good, well.... it's almost dinner time, you up for some food?"
"Yep" I said happily.
My stomach was really rumbling and loud so I laughed to myself and thought, wow, I am hungry.
We were walking down to the kitchen when I put my hand into his, I wanted to be near him, I guess what they say about mates marking you is true. I cannot be without him. We soon arrived in to the kitchen and Sophie was in there with her mom.
"Oh, hey, I guess you two got close" Sophie said laughing.
I blushed and then sat down at the table.
Sophie and Sarah left so we can eat and talk alone.
So, Leo cooked and we ate. After we eaten, we talked for a bit and then Leo left to finish up some work, so I decided to go for a walk. I walked around the garden for about ten minutes until I decided sit on the bench and looked up to soak in the sun and the nice day, the next thing I knew, a cloth with some weired substance on it and everything went black.