(Leo's P.O.V)
"Do we have any idea of where she is yet?" I asked on of the tech guys.
"We think we may have an idea, they would need somewhere to hide her, so we have been looking at abandoned buildings in a ten mile radius, there's three places she could be".
"Okay, let's put some teams together and start looking.
So, we walked up to dad's office and started to put some teams together.
"I was thinking that we need three teams to search the three areas, We would also need three witches to cover our scents, who knows who could be working with them, then we would also need our toughest fighters, and train some more for a few weeks and before you say anything Leo, I know that's too long but we need time to train everyone we can. Now, your Mom will stay here and look after the kids and any kids with parents who want to fight, we are offering females a chance to prove themselves, I will lead one team, you will lead another team and your sister Sophie will lead another team, sounds good?"
Everyone nodded.
The clock was ticking, they must be mad that she escaped.I don't even want to think about what she must be going through.
We started to train the people that wanted to fight and what they might expect.
(2 weeks later)
For the past two weeks, I haven't had much sleep, I would get two hours at a time the most. I need my mate in my arms. The good thing about mate bonds is I can feel her, She's alive, but she's hurt. I hope she know's we are doing everything we can to train and rescue her in one week. Just hang on till then I thought.
Next week can't come quick enough, We also had help from Sophie's Mate. He heard about our situation and flew over with most of his pack, some of us are doubling up in bedrooms, sitting room sofa's and spare bedrooms. It's a bit cramped but it is worth it when we rescue her. We needed all the help we could get. Sophie's got a good mate, he's ruthless when he needs to be but when it comes to her, he's such a good man. That's who she needs.
"So, where on we in rescuing Angela" , I asked my dad
"Well... we are on track in rescuing her a week from today, we just need to put in some extra hours to train the people that are not use to it, like the female people in this pack"
"Good, can't wait to get her back, her eighteenth birthday is in four months and I'm planning something big"
"Also, we need to plan her ceremony on becoming Luna of this pack as soon as you are married."
"Yeah... I finally got her comfortable here and not rushing her into anything and then she was taken. All of my hard work was for nothing, now we a probably back to square one, god knows the situation she will be in when we find her so I don't want to make any plans until we know what she is like"
"Okay son, your right, we don't want to pressure her into anything, she is still young and she is probably so scared right now."
(Angela's P.O.V)
I've lost track of the time, I have no idea how long I have been here for. Are anyone even looking for me. I need to get out so I can find my family.
"Wakey Wakey, here's you breakfast" Thomas said.
"Oh, bread and water, what a surprise"
"I would be careful with my sarcasm if I was you, you don't want to get beaten again do you"
I shook my head.
"good girl"
Being beaten isn't the only thing he has been doing, Sometimes I have been starved and sometimes, he had people do his dirty work for him.
I had no one to talk to so I had some for the information I have been told to sink in. I can't wait to meet my family. Do I have any grandparents? Any siblings? Any other family members?. So many questions.
I have thought of so many ways to escape, but every time, it ended in my capture. I don't know what to do, so, I started crying. I wonder what Leo's doing.
(Leo's P.O.V)
I was just lying in bed thinking about what to do when we rescue her. I needed quiet to think and this was the only place I can have some quiet.
(Knock, Knock)
"Hey bro" Sophie said putting her head around the door.
"How are you doing?"
"How am I doing?, my mate is gone, GONE, how am i suppose to be doing"
Sophie flinched.
"Sorry, soph, I'm just stressed and worried"
"That's okay, you have every right to be upset, do you wanna get some fresh air and have a walk in the garden, we can have a talk, I need to talk to you about something"
We got up and went outside in the garden.
"So, what did you want to talk about" I asked her concerned.
"Well... In know it's not the best time, but, I'm engaged"
"Wow, I'm happy for you, how did it happen"
"Well, we were just lying on my bed trying to think of what to do an I started crying and well... he asked me if he could try and get me looking forward to something, so he walked over to get something out of his coat pocket and he just proposed there and then and I said yes but don't want to do it until Angela is back and to the way she was and he completely understand, I also wanted to do it before I get bigger..."
"What do you mean bigger?" I asked Sophie.
"I'm pregnant" She said slightly smiling.
"Oh, I'm going to be an Uncle"
"So, your okay with this, your not mad".
"No, of course not, your aloud to be happy, I'm happy for you"
"Good, but no one knows and We have always been close and I wanted to tell you first, maybe give you some good news because I wasn't going to tell anyone until Angela was back and safe"
"What about your mate?"
"No, I'm going to make him some dinner and then do some kind of reveal"
"Your going to be an amazing Mom"
"Thanks, and now lets plan and follow through and get Angela back so we can plan my wedding and get ready for the baby" She said happily.
Now, we have some hope and determination to get her back.