(Angela's P.O.V)
( 1 week later)
This past week hasn't been any better and I am no closer with escaping. I am trying to keep these guys sweet and hope they learn to trust me. That's the way I could survive this ordeal and look for some answers.
I have made a couple of friends that are in this mob out of fear and maybe they can help me. A couple of them know my secret and how I want to escape.
I was just sat on the same old mattress in the corner when this guy came in.
"Angela" he whispered.
I looked over at the guy who poked his head around the door.
"Now's the time you'll leave and never come back, everyone is at a meeting, you will have about an hour to escape and run as fast as you can. Find your family and maybe come back, stronger and wiser, and wipe these guys out"
"I don't know how to thank you, your the only reason I kept sane and had hope, I'll come back for you" I kissed him on the top of the head.
"Just go, here's a map of where to avoid and here's some codes you may need to get out of the gate with"
"Won't you get killed like the last guy?"
"Don't worry about me, I know how to survive, just don't stop running. I've also done some research on how to find your family, I've been keeping tabs on them for their safety and Thomas is none of the wiser"
I nodded and quickly glanced at the map he gave me.
"Just please don't tell my mate how to find me, I don't know who to trust anymore and I need some answers before I see him again. Thomas told me they knew and lied to me, is that true"
"No, I don't think so, he just didn't want you to escape, he's your mate, your bond should tell you if he's lying but I won't tell him until you find your family, don't declare war on him just yet, you don't know the full story"
I nodded okay.
So.... I ran, I can't believe I am going to find my family, will they recognise me, will they know who I am. Maybe that's why My natural hair colour is actually pure white as snow. I was always forced to hide it with dye. Maybe that's Why they always hid it. They always told me that people may think I'm a freak. But, I'm not a freak, I'm just unique and future queen of the wolves.
I ran for hours till I reached a town and then I hid my scent as I could tell I am in someones territory. Jamie, the guy who helped me escape, gave me some cash, quite a lot actually. I decided to find a hair dressers and change my hair back to what I was suppose to be.
I managed to find the hairdressers quite quickly, It was a small town. I walked in and asked if they know how to get rid of the dye and find my natural colour and they could. I was so happy when they could. I was also forced to wear brown contacts so they also showed me how to take them out and there they was, a pair of bright purple eyes. I've learned to embrace my real look.
I also decided to find a clothes shop and get some new things so I don't look dirty. I also brought some beauty products and went to find somewhere to have a quick wash.
I looked so clean and nice. I'm going to repay Jamie once I find my family. After I got sorted, I chucked all of my dirty old clothes in the bin and carried on walking. It would be suspicious if I ran.
I walked all the way through the town like Jamie said and I reached a forest. I had another hour of walking through the woods to go. My parents lived behind some mountain, hours away.
Luckily it was still daylight as I was almost out of the forest and masking my scent helped keep me safe. Jamie knew from day one who I was and he knew my parents so he helped me control my powers such as masking my scent. Apparantly royals are more powerful than Alphas, even a royal princess.
Phew, I made it out if the forest and the next thing I had to do was walk for miles up a mountain.
Luckily there was a cafe right at the bottom of the mountain so I decided to sit down, rest and have something to eat and drink.
I walked in and already felt relaxed. It was a cute little place that smelt gorgeous so I walked up to the counter to see what they had.
"Hello, your a werewolf" A lady asked.
"What do you mean?" I questioned her
"Because I can tell, I'm a werewolf too, you look like someone I know, any reason why your in my little cafe"
"Sorry, can't tell you, I need to find someone"
"You can trust me, what's your name?"
"I'm Rachel"
"Nice to meet you, it's a really long story"
"I own this cafe, I've got all the time in the world"
"Okay, well.... I grew up thinking my family is my real family, when I was about 9 years old, my father was shot in front of me, don't know what happened to my mom and my siblings, but then I was abducted by this cruel gang, I escaped when I was about seventeen, collapsed, found my mate, spent some time with him, then I was sat in his garden when I felt someone put his hands on my mouth and was abducted again by the same people, I found out who I really was and who my parents was, three weeks later, a guy helped me escape and gave me some money and I changed my eyes and hair back to my natural colour and started walking and ended up here, turned out my parents abducted me when I was about a year old and want some answers so here i am"
"Wow, that's quite a story, Who's your parents?"
"You won't believe me if I told you"
"I think I will, I think I know your parents but I need you to tell me so you can confirm it"
"Okay, these guys kept calling me your majesty and I had no idea why until they told me, I was abducted....."
"From the castle" We both said at the same time.
"I can't believe it's really you, I knew you was still alive" Rachel said crying and hugging me.
"I'm confused, how do you know who I am"
"Well, I'm your auntie, Your mother is my sister, but she gave up all hope to find you, I'll be right back" Rachel said.
I nodded still shocked. I never had an auntie before.
Five minutes later Rachel came back.
"A friend is closing up for me, I'll take you there myself"
So, we decided to walk out arm in arm.
"I can't believe I have an aunt"
"Yeah, and you have grandparents, siblings, cousin and so much more, but, I got to tell you something, Angela isn't your given name"
"It's not?"
"No it's amethyst, they named your because of the colour of your eyes"
" I've always felt like something was missing and now I know" I said hugging her.
"Your parents are going to be so happy, I kept redoing your room to the age you would be because I always had hope you would come home, tell me something about your life after you escaped"
"Well, the only thing I could really tell you everything I already did, except for my mate is called Leo and he had a huge family, the only family that I ever know and loved me until now that is"
"I'm so happy your okay and that you was loved"
We carried on talking like we have always known each other a before we knew it, We was stood in front of the castle.
"Ready to be reunited?"
I nodded.