Chapter 12

"What if they don't like me?" I asked Rachel.

"They will love you" She said hugging me. We started to walk in and I was getting more nervous with every step we took.

We made our way in what It looked like a ballroom.

"You wait here, don't worry, they have been waiting years for this"

Rachel walked away and I was left alone to wonder about what they look like and what they are like, do they like the same things as i do, food? hobbies?

I heard footsteps and started to get really nervous and anxious.

There was two older people just looking at me, these people look just like me, I never had that before, I always thought I was a freak.

They just carried on looking at me, not breaking eye contact as they walked closer with tears in their eyes.

"Oh amethyst" they said hugging me and carried on crying.

"I thought you was dead" My mother said.

"I'm very much alive"

" I see you got to know your aunt Rachel, she told me all about you, I can't believe out of all the cafes, you stumbled into hers"

"I've always wonder why I don't look like anyone in my family, I now know who I am, I'm no glad I've found you" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I haven't told anyone yet, we wanted to confirm it was true, we had so many people lying and scheming to us but we know our daughter from miles away"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course sweetie"

"Do you know soon to be Alpha Leo"

"Of course we do, he's a reliable friends of ours, what about him?"

"Well, I recently found him to be my mate"

"Really? that's great news, does he know where you are?"

"No, you see.... did Rachel tell you about my past?"


"I was abducted from his house and spent three weeks with the same gang that taken me when I was 9 years old. I made a friend there and they told me all about who I was to taunt me I guess but my friend gave me money and a map to help me escape and I came strait here, I don't think he knows that I managed to escape."

"Okay, how about we show you to your bedroom, Rachel has already stocked it with everything you would need, so take a shower, get dressed and get something to eat, I'll bet your hungry and We will tell Leo and invite him here".

"Thank you mom, dad"

"Oh, how we missed your voice, you just learnt to say mama and dada before you was taken"

I smiled and with them and Rachel, they showed me to my bedroom.

"Everyone is out at the moment and they don't know about you just yet, they know you exist obviously but they don't know that you are back, you can meet them tomorrow after you settled in and had a good night sleep"



"My friend, Jamie, he helped me escape and he's not safe there if they find out, can you find a way to help him please"

"Of course honey"


With that, they left me alone in my huge bedroom. I had a huge four poster bed, the other side of the bedroom I had some sofa's, a huge TV and a load of games, DVD's and CD's. I also had a huge walk in wardrobe and an en-suit. I could get use to this, I thought.

I took off my clothes and folded them and gently put them in a draw and then I hoped into the shower. I noticed a bathrobe hanging on the door and put it on and went over to the wardrobe. I need something fitting for a princess so I put on a long purple dressed that flowed to the floor and did my hair up in a bun. I also put on a pair of gorgeous sparkly heels. I looked in the mirror and I gasped, I look like a princess.

After I got ready, I tried looking for the kitchen but luckily a few people showed me. I just wanted to make a coffee and a quick sandwich, I was too excited and nervous to eat anything big. As I just finished eating, I heard someone announce that Leo was here.

My mother came into the kitchen.

"You ready"


I walked trying not to trip or stumble. I saw Leo standing there looking worried so I ran and embraced in his arms.

"I missed you so much" I whispered in Leo's ear.

"I was making a plan to come find you when someone rang and said they knew where you was, I can't believe it".

"Me neither, I escaped early this morning with some help and luckily managed to stumble into a cafe at the bottom of the hill that belonged to my aunt, she knew who I was strait away and helped me here, the boss of the gang told me that you knew who I was and that you lied to me but I made a friend and he told me that he lied so I wouldn't escape and find you".

"I know having a family means a lot to you so I would have told you as soon as I knew, What happened to your hair and eyes"

"I wanted to change them in to my natural colour because I never had family that looked like me"

"I told my family where you are and that you are okay, they are so relieved" Leo said.

"I'm glad, I missed everyone, how's Sophie?"

"Do you know?"

"That she's pregnant?, yeah, she told me before I was taken"

"She wanted to wait until you was safe to plan the wedding and the baby, even her mates pack came to help look for you, they also know that you are safe but Sophie wants to see you before she leaves for Russia"

"Okay, maybe tomorrow, I've got grandparents and siblings to meet"

"Oh, you always wanted grandparents"


"I've let my parents know what I was sleeping the night, I couldn't wait to have my mate back in my arms, hope that's okay".

"That's more than okay" I said kissing him.

We walked up to my bedroom and got undressed and got into the bed, God, I missed having a comfy bed. We were soon asleep with a smile on our faces. This is the safest I felt in a long time. I can't wait what tomorrow will bring.