Chapter 15

(The next morning)

I woke up very early, a bit exited and a bit nervous about what is ahead of me. I never been to school or at least I probably did before the age of 9, but, even if I did, I don't remember. I looked at the clock beside me and realised it was only 5 a.m. I didn't have to be up for another two hours but I had butterflies about going to school and meeting new people.

I woke up before Leo and decided to have a cup of coffee and some breakfast before a shower.

"Morning" I heard a voice say.

"Oh, Sarah, Didn't think you would at the time"

"I'm always up at this time but why are YOU up at this time"

"Oh, I could't sleep, I was too nervous and had butterflies in my stomach, thought I would have some breakfast and relax a little before Leo wakes up"

"Oh, sounds good"

I decided on eggs on toast, something light, I felt too nervous and sick to eat and also decided to have some coffee. There was also a pile of magazines on the table so after I eaten, I thought I would read for a little bit and before I knew it, it was six o clock and I still needed a shower and get dressed.

After a quick shower, I went over to the closet and pulled out a nice long sleeved blouse with a vest top and a pair of blue Jeans and threw on some trainers just in time for Leo to wake up.

"Hey babe" Leo said still sleepy.


"What time did you wake up?"

"Um... about five, I couldn't sleep, So I went to make some breakfast and your mother was there so we got to talking and then I read a bit and had a shower"

"Oh okay, You almost had a full day before I even woke up" Leo said laughing.

"I'm just going to have a quick shower and then i'll drive you to school"

"Okay" I said kissing him.

So Leo went in to the shower and I went downstairs to see Sophie for a bit before we leave, Rosie is meeting me here so I don't go in to the school on my own.

"Hey Soph, Oh, Rosie, your already here"

"Yeah, I decided to come early"


After we spoke for a bit, Leo came down.



The school wasn't that far away, in thirty minutes, we was already there. I got out of the car but not before I kissed Leo goodbye.

"Bye babe" he said.

"Bye, Love you"

"Hey Rosie, a couple of girls called out"

"Hey, so Angela, this is Shannon and Sofia, I've known them my whole life"


"You and Leo?" Shannon questioned.

"Yeah" I replied.

"So, our Leo has found a mate finally" Sofia said.

"And your cute" They also said.

"Oh thanks"

"How come your just joining the school now"

"It's hard to explain"

so after a long explanation, obviously leaving the royalty thing out and they were gobsmacked.

"Wow" Sofia and Shannon at the same time.


"Well.... it's time for class" Rosie interrupted .

I think i'm going to like it at this school I thought. I already met a couple of people that seemed nice, I wonder what they are going to think when I tell them who I am. I'm going to tell a few people who I can trust the day before my eighteenth and maybe I'll ask them to come to the party. It will be nice to have a couple of friends there, people I know.

As we walked through the halls on the way to class, I looked around and was thinking that it looked gorgeous and not much of a school.

I was so nervous as I walked in to the classroom. Most of the class was already sat down and there was an older lady in front of the classroom whom I am guessing in the teacher as I never been to school before.

"Ah, you must be Angela".

"Yes sir"

"You can sit there at the back with Rosie and the girls"

"Okay, thank you"

As I sat down, I looked around, Wow, this is what a school looks like. I suddenly felt normal sat in a classroom with other people my age, I don't know how to act around these people. Thank god for Rosie. I'll be lost with out her.

"How are you liking it so far?" Rosie asked me.

"Great, the people here are so nice and I finally feel normal"

"Good, the people here are nice, as you probably know, most people her are either werewolves or mates of one, they know you as a mate of an Alpha and the only people that know your identity is me and the teachers here and if you want, you could tell some people here if you are ready too"

"Okay, good" I replied.

The first lesson was maths, even though this is mostly a werewolf school, we still have to learn the basics such as Maths and English. As the lesson went on, I didn't know what to do, I've never had to learn maths and luckily Rosie and the girls helped me a lot and by the end of the hour, I knew how to do the basics. Maybe at this rate, I might go to college. I was never aloud to have dreams and part of me didn't want them because I thought I would be locked up forever. I know I will be a Luna soon and also a queen, I hoped one day I would work with children, I've always loved them.

As I was daydreaming about my future, Rosie nudged me.

"Ready to go?"


"What was you thinking about"

"I'll tell you later".

As I was beginning to walk out the door, the teacher wanted to have a word with me.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to see how you was doing, all of us know who you really are, don't worry, your secret is safe with us, so.... how are you getting on"

"I was nervous at first but Rosie helped me a lot with the work, I'm still a bit confused but know some of the basics"

"That's good, would you like me to set some extra work so you can catch up and study a bit"

"Yes, that's great, thank you".

"That's okay, I can also put in a word with the other teachers if you want and get them to do the same and by the time you graduate, you should be able to get in to a good college if that is what you wanted"

"That's great, I was also told about some extra lessons for my magic and being royalty, do you know when I would get those"

"Um... yes... you'll have an extra couple lessons a week for those, you'll have to talk to the principle for extra information, um... you probably should get going otherwise you will be late for your next lesson"

"Okay thank you"

After my chat with the teacher, I walked out of the classroom to find Rosie waiting for me.

"What did the teacher want?" she asked me.

"He just wanted to see how I was getting on, and asked if I wanted extra work to catch up".

"Oh okay, good, it's good that your getting on with it"

"Yeah, so what's the next lesson?"

"Um.... English"


As we walked through the hallways to English, me and Rosie was talking"

"When's lunch time?" I asked Rosie.

"English is two hours long so after that, why?"

"Well.... a part of me is hungry" I laughed.

"And the other part?"

" I want to get to know Sofia and Shannon, I think if I get to know them more, then maybe I'll tell them about me and maybe having a couple more friends at my party would be good, you know them better, can I trust them?"

"Of course you can, there's nobody I trust more than them."


English was pretty much strait forward, I taught myself a bit all those years of being captured so it was a bit easier than maths. I'm just not use to being sat down for a long time since I escaped.

It was soon lunchtime and I once again had butterflies in my stomach, I hope I can trust those too. Rosie should know seeing as they grew up together.

The canteen smelled wonderful. I've never smelt anything so amazing.

I just chose pizza and cake for dessert and just a bottle of water. It was amazing.

"So, I already know about Rosie, I want to know more about you too".

"Well... what do you want to know?"Shannon asked.

"Anything, everything".

"Okay, I'll go first...."Sofia started.

"I am one of three children, me being the eldest, I live near the Alpha and his family with my family, I haven't yet found my mate but my birthday is in two months so hopefully I will soon. The Alpha put on party's every year so people like me could find our mates and packs from all over the world come and find there mates. I did have long term boyfriend until a year ago because he found his mate, I understood and we are still friends. His mate is a lovely woman and they are getting married in the next year or so and I'm invited. I think that's it for me, I'm sure we have plenty of time to get to know each other, more surprised to come"

"It's my turn I guess, I am the youngest of four children, three oldest protective brother's but I love them too bits, the reason that they are protective is because my parents died in a car crash about two years ago So I've been living with my grandparents but I am not eighteen since about 4 months ago and have already found my mate, I found him at the party Sofia was talking about, he is two years older me and he's in our pack but he wanted to go away to college to get an education, he's family is supportive, he's got 3 younger sisters so he understands why my brothers are so protective, as they are all older than me, they have found their mates, married and have kids. That's mostly it for me".

"Wow, your families are amazing, I now know what's that like since about a month ago"

"What do you mean"

"Well.... Rosie and only a few people know about my story, I wanted to get to know you and I've spoken to Rosie and I wanted to see if I could trust you not to tell anyone else"

So I told them the whole story.

"Wow, you should have started, you certainly had a life"

"Yeah, all that I guess made me who I am, I would have never met my mate if all that didn't happen"

"Yeah I guess, lucky you"

"Yeah" I laughed.

"The reason why I told you is that I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the party for my eighteenth that my parents are holding for me"

"You mean, at the castle?"

"Yeah, if you want to"

"Why do want to keep it a secret if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well... I never went to school before and I wanted to have a social life and experiences I won't be able to have once everyone knows so I'm living at Leo's until the day before and then I'll move back there"

"Yeah, that's understandable"

So after the long chat, I went to another few lessons and then it was home time and of course there was Leo, all handsome leaning against his very expensive black car. I kissed him for a while and then hopped in to his car and we were soon back home and god was I exhausted. We quickly eaten and by then it was seven o clock and I just wanted to sleep, got another couple of days before the weekend and I can relax.

"Hey babe" Leo said.


"I got you a congrats pressent for school"

Leo handed me a wrapped package and I peeled it open and I was gobsmacked. It was a laptop.

"Leo, you didn't have too".

"I wanted to, you need something to catch up with your work and maybe this way, you can go to college"

"Really, I didn't think I could seeing as I would be a queen and a Luna soon"

"Well, I've spoken to your parents and you could still do that from college, it's only down the road, you can still come back home at night and while your studying, your parents or me could help you out and take over, it's also a special werewolf college so they would know who you are and you would have exceptions if you needed to go to the castle for whatever the reason for business"

"Thank you, Thank you" I said kissing him.

"Your welcome and now lets get to sleep, you had a busy day and same tomorrow"


We settled down and I was soon asleep.