(One month later)
This past month have been normal. Going to school, coming home, catching up on my work and seeing my parents on the weekend. I've got two more months before everyone finds out who I am and I won't get treated the same I'm so nervous but so exited at the same time. We have chosen the dates for the wedding and the Luna ceremony and also the ceremony on which I would be crowned queen.
Leo proposed to me a week ago. He took me out to a fancy meal and a movie and then to the lake we first met and he proposed there under the stars. It was so romantic and so sweet.
I also had a few magic lessons and also lessons on what it would take to be a queen and royalty. For the first time in ages, I believe I actually have a future. I have gone a long way since I escaped.
"Hey babe" Leo said as I ran over to him.
I had just finished my first month of school and I ran out of school to find Leo Leaning up against his car as usual.
"Hang on there babe, I need to go quickly speak to the principle about something"
"Okay, be quick"
"I will"
So, Leo ran in to the school and suddenly I felt something and things went all black.
(Leo's P.O.V)
I ran in to ask about the plans for graduation and other things, I was gone for like five minutes and I walked back out of the school to find Angela not where I left her. I wonder where she is I thought. So I decided to ring her. Weird, she's not answering, I thought that I will try two more times and then I will try and track where she is.
So that's it, after her failing to pick up, I tried to track her but could't so I rang my tracking expert to see if he could.
"Hello Robert?"
"Hello Leo, what could I do for you on this nice day".
So explained to Robert.
"So, I could't find her exact Location but the last place she was located is over two miles away before it was cut off"
"Oh, that's not good news, thank you Robert, can you call everyone for a meeting please and I'll be there as soon as I can, tell them it's an emergency"
"Of course Boss, anything else I can do?"
"No, that's all, thank you Robert"
After the phone call with Robert, I called up some of Angela's friends, Rosie, Sofia and Shannon, maybe they can help, I decided to pick up the girls from there houses and go on over to the meeting".
As soon as I picked them up, we went over to my house for the meeting with the rest of the pack.
"Hello everyone, the reason that I called an emergency meeting is that it seemed Angela may have been taken again"
So I explained what happened. I felt so stupid for leaving Angela alone. I certainly intended to get her back but this time that boss is dead.
"Okay boss, so what's the plan?" Someone asked me.
"We are going in with guns this time, I want the boss dead and whoever is helping him, everyone if you can help it, apart from this one guy Angela told me about, Jamie is his name, he helped her escape last time, maybe we can give him a job here, even though he's human"
"Sound good boss"
"We can rescue her first thing in the morning, we already had the training last time this happened, we just need to go over how to use the guns properly"
After the quick meeting, everyone got changed and met out in the far field away from people and buildings. I need to double up on security when she's back and keep her that way until I can complete the bond on her eighteenth birthday. Completing the bond with keep her safe.
"So, Rosie, Sofia and Shannon, have you ever used guns before"
"Not very much" Rosie said.
"My and Shannon's parents did quite a lot"
"Okay, so, you two, can you teach Rosie a bit and then show me and I can teach her whatever you may have left out. Because the Mafia is quite strong and skilled with guns, we need women as well so we can make up the numbers as they are bigger than us".
"Okay" Sofia and Shannon said at the same time.
So we got started training people that haven't had much training. As I will be Alpha soon and there will be new beta's and gammas, us and our parents and grandparents have already been taught gun safety and how to use them properly so we each took a group of people to teach, that way, it will be quicker to teach them, usually, us being werewolves, we don't need weapons, but we have a load of them secretly stashed away in case we have a situation like this, we never really had to use them before as we never came across humans who threatens us until these past few months.
"Everyone's doing a good job so far, ready to show me what you learnt?"
everyone nodded.
"Okay, show me"
So, everyone showed me how to safely use a gun such as reloading it and locking it and how to shoot, I had target's put up to see how accurately they can shoot.
"Well done everyone, have a 30 minute brake to eat and sit down and then we will carry on, we need to be precise and great at this, one wrong shot and they could get away and possibly hurt Angela in the Process".
"Yes Boss" Everyone replied.
After the thirty minute brake, everyone was refreshed and read to start practising again. Everyone came so far, even the women. I need to give them more opportunities here at the pack.
Now, everyone's ready to rescue Angela once more and this time will be the last.