Chapter 4

Aaron tried to break the tension in the air around them numerous times, Continuously failing. He looked at his watch. They had been walking for about three hours nonstop. Aaron attempted once more to spark conversation.

"Hey Zoe, let's stop here for a while. Why don't I cook us something to eat?"

"Shut it and keep walking."

Zoe's stomach growled and Aaron let out a faint laugh. "How about some lunch? Go sit over there and I'll get something started."

They had been traveling for about two days, and since most of the areas surrounding the Kamo District were desolate now, Aaron estimated it would be at least another three days until they could get outside help. For the most part, Japan had become an island for military use, working alongside a new nation known as Aresotsu that spawned out of northern africa and eventually covered the whole continent. The nation was very well off at first and with the help of japanese industry, grew exponentially. the government decided that Japan would be their center for the military. So all of the civilians from Japan left to the mainland, which meant most of the area became deserted. After that, Japan slowly grew as a military hub. Resulting in its restoration in some areas for markets and housing. Thus creating more jobs on the island. Japan eventually became what it is now, mainly military, but there were now schools, stores, and even some farms. Aaron shook his head, focusing on the task at hand. He looked around. It was winter so most of the area was covered in white, making it difficult to see. He cleared an area and brought Zoe there. Together, they sat in silence, gazing at the stars as it became night. Zoe spoke in a low tone.

"Hey, Aaron?"


"What Color is the sky?"