Chapter 5

Aaron turns to look at Zoe, her eyes full of tears and hatred.

"I said, why won't you die!"

"What are you talking about? Did I do something wrong?"

"All of this is wrong! My sister is dead, the orphanage is gone, the fact that you are standing here with me instead of her is completely wrong!"

"Listen to me, Zoe that's in the past now, we have to move on! You think I wanted to leave her behind?! I miss her just as much as you! I--"

"Shut up! Why didn't you take her place?! You should be gone! Dead! Deceased! I'll make you pay for her sacrifice!"

She lunged at him, forcing him to fall to the blankets of snow below them. Her hands wrapped so tightly around his neck it started to bleed. "Why did it have to be her! My sister should have casted you aside and saved herself! I wish you would just die! She sacrificed herself for some useless, worthless, pathetic human! You can't even defend yourself, you're so stupid!" As Zoe cried and hit him, Aaron lay there motionless, too stunned to do anything. Zoe let out a shriek. "Why won't you fight back!?" she grabbed his head, slamming the back of his skull into the dirt repeatedly. "Answer me! Why! Why! Why! Why! WHY!" there was a moment of silence, until Aaron spoke in a raspy broken voice.

"Hey, Zoe… wake me up when you're feeling better ok? I promise, i'll... make it up to you sometime." he shut his eyes and it was silent once more. Zoe got up, slowly realizing what she had done.

"You know, you might have just killed the only person who still cared about you"

She turned around to find the voice that spoke to her. A tall woman stood in front of her and spoke in a condescending tone.

"You selfish child, don't you understand? Do you know why he's stayed by your side for so long?"

The woman looked to the unconscious figure fading into the snow. "You poor boy, you never could tell her could you? Feeling forever doomed to a one sided love."

Tears fell uncontrollably from Zoes eyes. "This wasn't… this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. I-I didn't mean to--"

"Relax kid, he's not dead, he'll be fine as long as he gets medical help."

Zoe brushed the snow off and hugged Aaron tightly. "I'm so sorry Aaron, I promise I'll never hurt you again."

"That's great and all kid, but we really should get a move on. The name's Takehiro, Shizu."

Zoe sharply turned to look at her. The woman's face was pale, seeming almost devoid of any life. Her long black hair reached to her lower back, and Zoe felt as though her pitch black eyes could pierce her very being. The woman sighed and looked at her phone.

"C'mon kid, I haven't got all day."

She lifted Aaron's body over her shoulder and walked toward a blue car. Zoe ran to catch up with the unfamiliar woman. Silently swearing to keep Aaron in her sight at all times from now on. And anyone who dared to hurt him would answer to her.