Chapter 6

In an unfamiliar room, on something that looked like a hospital bed, Aaron was confronted by an angry voice.

"Are you awake yet dummy?"

"No, lemme keep sleeping for a bit longer…"

Aaron tried to pull the blanket over his head but was crushed by a tackle. Zoe squeezed him tightly, rendering him immoble.

"I thought you'd never wake up. I feared that maybe you were gonna leave me behind."

Aaron let out a soft smile. "So you really did miss me. Thanks Zoe."

Zoe pushed herself off of Aaron, blushing furiously.

"Look, don't get the wrong idea, I just didn't want to lose the only thing that reminded me of my sister is all. And your stupid face is the only one thing thats left."

He laughed a bit and she swiftly turned away from him, uttering a sigh of relief.

"Hey, listen… I'm sorry that I almost killed you… I guess I was a little on edge, you know, about what my sister…"

Aaron shook his head. "It's fine, to be perfectly honest, I would've been more concerned had you not been angry. So, friends?"

Zoe hesitated for a moment,

"Yeah, sure… Friends"

In the doorway stood a tall silhouette.

"Are you two lovebirds done yet? I get it, your heartfelt reunion and all, and as much as I hate to interrupt… I hafta sooo…"

Her tone was sarcastic and flat. As she walked into the room she faked a look of surprise.

"I gotta admit, you're up way earlier than i thought, i figured you had at least a couple more weeks before you woke but here you are. So how are you feeling kiddo?"

Aaron looked at her, both confused and alarmed.

"Sorry, do I know you?"

The woman scoffed, brushing her silky hair to the side. "That's how you greet the wonderfully beautiful person who saved your life?"

"My apologies ma'am, I'll be sure to thank you properly later. My name is Aaron Madeline, this is my companion Zoe Du-Soleil. May I ask yours?"

"My name is Takehiro, Shizu. For now, you can call me Shizu."

Aaron noted that she introduced herself backwards. Nowadays this was only done by those in the military. Her name did seem familiar though. Suddenly, the dots connected and Aaron jolted upright.

"You're the one."

"No thanks kid, I know I'm attractive but I'm not into little kids."

He turned to Zoe. "do you remember what your sister told us to do?"

"Umm… not kill each other?"

"No not that, the other thing. But that order was given too."

Zoe gave him a blank stare and Aaron looked at Shizu.

"I apologize for not saying so earlier, but we were told to go to the Yokohama Military District to meet with you Miss Shi-- err, Shizu."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "On whose authority?"

"Rachelle Du-Soleil"

Shizu went silent, pondering for a moment.

"She died, didn't she?"

"As far as we know, yes."

"And she sent you to me for...?"

"Military training, and a place to stay."

"And do you expect me to do that for you?"


Shizu thought about the young boy's words. She looked at Zoe, who was staring down at the floor. And then to Aaron, who gazed right back at her.

"Fine, I guess I can take you under my wing for a bit. But if either of you prove to be useless, I'll toss you out in a heartbeat, is that clear?"

Both of them nodded, and Shizu left the room.