Chapter 7

Over the next few years, the two of them received rigorous training and schooling. Shizu became something of a mother figure to them, as she taught them various skills and abilities. The only thing she couldn't do was cook.

"Ok, i think i understand how it works, that yellow powder you put in, umm… yeast was it? That stuff allows the bread to rise and makes it fluffy, right?"

"Yep, that's pretty much how it works… I think."

"So how long does this need to be in the oven?"

"About two hours, after that it'll have to cool for a few minutes though."

"I see… where did you acquire this kind of knowledge, Aaron?"

"The caretaker back at the orphanage taught me how. Besides, I've always liked baking."

"Oh, that's nice."

"Yeah, Zoe's always been a fan of baked goods, so when we get in arguments, i'd offer her a cupcake or something."

"Huh, that's cute."

"No, it's called a peace offering, it's what you do when you wish to make it to the next day alive."

"Got it, I'll go ahead and leave it at that."

On the day of Aaron's 12th birthday, Shizu gave him a box of machinery.

"What's this?"

"Your present, all of this junk is to be your Mecha-Form."

"Well even if it is junk, you're not supposed to say it out loud…"

Shizu hit his head with a piece of paper.

"Even if that's true, you're not supposed to criticize your superior officer."

He took the paper, putting it on his desk, and plucked out a piece of metal from the box to examine. The piece he pulled seemed to be a somewhat rusted, metal chestplate. Mostly gray with a small red piece at the top.

"So it's a suit?"

"Yep, pretty much. About 10 years ago, a scientist who went by the name of Trent Hirogashi developed a new weapon for the Aresotsu military, he called them his Mechanical Uniforms, 'Mecha-Form' for short. Just one of these suits has enough power to take down an entire air fleet, so you better fix it up and put it to good use."

She left the room and Aaron quickly dumped out the components, sorting them as he went along. Zoe looked at him and smirked.

"You're really gonna use that piece of crap?"

"Why not? I'm sure I can do err… something with it. I guarantee that when I'm done with it, it'll look good as new!"

He fumbled with one of the pieces and dropped it, causing it to crack and hiss. He made a dumbfounded face. Zoe let out a laugh, causing Aaron to blush in embarrassment.

"Tell you what Aaron, We'll work on yours together."

"Yeah, thanks Zoe."