Chapter 1: Zorin's Sickness

2 years later from the last book.

Hey Raven. I have a date with Sapph tonight, we are going mudding on our 4-wheelers. Ok Zorin be back before 10 ok? Yeah yeah. Then Zorin went to wait for the bus for school.

Hey uncle. Said Jason. Mystery wanted to go on a date tonight. I told her I'd give her a call when I know, or tell her at school. I don't mind, but be back before 10 ok? Where exactly are you going to be? I'll talk to her today, to find out. I will let you know when I get home. OK Jason have a good day at school. Yeah thanks uncle. Bye Aunt Rose. Bye Jason. Chloe and I will see you when you get home. Bye little Chloe. Chloe waved.

Zorin got to school and saw someone was missing. He looked back at Zack and said Hey where's Sky today? Oh he will be here late, had some things to do so. We have a substitute. Oh great. He said in annoyed tone. Thanks. Zorin was so bored there really wasn't much to do in homeroom except go over school work from other classes. The substitute finally walked in and it was none other than Raven herself. Zorin looked confused and wondered what she was doing there. Everyone else was surprised. She was a legend.

Ok everyone. Said Raven You all know who I am. Those of you who don't, I am Raven. NO known last name. You know what to do, just go over work from your other classes, until the bell rings for breakfast. Zorin. Can I see you for a min? She said quietly.

Hey Zorin, I see your shocked that I'm here as a sub. I help out sometimes, when its a last min thing. I only do homeroom though. Thats good to know now. Hey Raven? Can I use the restroom real quick? Yeah take the pass and go. Thanks Raven. She nodded then when back to her seat.

Zorin was in there awhile. Raven was about to have someone check on him, until she saw him walking in the hall almost to the classroom. Zorin you look pale are you ok? Do I need to get the nurse? No we can deal with it when we get home, if I can make it through the day. It's nothing the nurse can do anyway, but maybe Nate can. OK well I will be in the office helping out too. If you need me to, I can take you home ok? Thanks Raven. Zorin went back to work.

Finally it was breakfast. Sapph said, I need to talk to Zorin. I will be at his table for now, and lunch. Ok .Said her friend Mandy. Sapph went to the chair Sky usually sat at. Hey Zorin. Said Sapph. You feeling ok? You look pale. I will be fine. Just gotta make it through the day, and head to Raven's. If I do pass out, the nurse can't help me. Get Raven right away ok? Ok. Said Sapph. I just hope it doesn't. Hopefully you will still make it tonight. Yeah I will. Even if I'm not myself I will go. So they talked until breakfast was done and then went to the next class.

Jason was having a bad feeling something was wrong with his brother. They were just about to leave for breakfast when he felt it. Mystery, Jason's girlfriend said, Hey Jason. You ok? Your spacing out again. Huh? Oh sorry. I just had a bad feeling all of a sudden. I'm sure it's nothing. Let's go. Then they all went to breakfast and that feeling was still there. Hey Mystery. I'll be right back. I gotta make a call on my cell outside. OK hurry back.

Jason called his uncle. Hey uncle it's Jason. I have a bad feeling. Can you call Raven to see if Zorin's ok? Actually Raven's at the school right now working in the office. I can give them a call, and call you right back. Thanks uncle bye.

James called the office and asked for Raven. Raven picked up, and James said Hey Raven, it's James. Is Zorin all right? Jason called me and said he had a bad feeling. Of course he would. Well he is a little pale, and was in the restroom awhile. I'll call you when I know more ok? Thanks Raven bye.

James called Jason back and said, You were right. Something is wrong. We don't know what yet. Raven said when she knows something, she will let us know. All she knows is he is a little pale. I see. Thanks uncle, see you after school. Not long after that call, it was time to go to their next class.

Hours past, it was now art class, which was before lunch. In class Zorin was supposed to be working on a sculpture with Ryder, except he was spacing out. Ryder was calling Zorins name. Zorin. Zorin. Zorin hey buddy. Huh? Sorry what do you want me to do? I just noticed you are looking pale, are you ok? I wish people would stop asking me. Yes I will be fine. Ok so what did you want me to do? Right. I want you to make a cube shape with this clay here, so we can eventually connect them. OK. He did just that and Ryder connected them. Ryder said Zorin can you do the detail on the Sculpture? Yeah I can try. It would eventually be a sculpture of a building. Even with shaky hands, Zorin did pretty good on the detail. Now it would be ready to go in the kiln, Ryder did that. Class was ending, Zorin was feeling worse. He was still looking pale, but was still able to walk.

Finally at lunchtime, Sky was there. Zorin didn't get anything, he didn't feel well enough. Sky said Hey Zorin. You don't look so good. Want me to take you to the office? No not yet. I think I will be fine. Except he was wobbling just to trying to stay up. OK I'm not fine. Sapph, Sky, help me to the office. I need to see Raven. Sorry guys. I'll see you guys tomorrow. I hope.

Sapph and Sky helped Zorin to the office. Raven was working in the back. Zorin needs to see Raven. Is she here? Said Sapph. Yeah. Sit him here for a min. Thank you. Go back to lunch. We will take care of him. Thank you. Sapph said, See you tonight ok? If your up for it. Yeah, thanks Sapph. You too Sky. No problem man.

Raven came running over. Zorin what's wrong? Do we need to head over to my place? Yeah, whatever this is, it's getting worse. I just hope Nate can help. Yeah me too. Said Raven. Sorry Melody, I have to take Zorin home. Oh it's fine. Take care of the boy. Thanks. Hang in there Zorin. Try not to pass out ok? I'll try.

On the way home, Zorin started coughing. He looked at his hand and saw he had coughed up blood. He didn't tell Raven. He wiped the blood on his black pants. Raven said, Are you ok? She heard him coughing pretty bad. We are almost there Zorin. Hang on! They almost made it home before Zorin passed out. Oh shit. He passed out on me. Raven went inside told Roxas she needed help bringing Zorin in. Roxas ran out to help and saw Zorins face. Raven what's wrong with Zorin?! Is he going to be ok?! I don't know. We need to bring him in and call Nate. They brought him in and laid him on the couch. Roxas stayed with Zorin while Raven called Nate to tell him what was going on with Zorin. I am on my way. It will take awhile. I was heading home from a patient. I will be there in 15min. Ok Thanks. Raven hang up and Nate went a little faster.

He finally got there, ran inside and saw Zorin. He feels a little hot. Let's see. He took a machine out to check Zorin's temperature. It was a high fever 102. He definitely has a fever. Someone go get a bucket of cold water and a rag. Roxas did that and came back in no time. He asked Raven if Zorin had been coughing. Yeah, he was coughing on the way home. I didn't notice if he coughed anything up. Let me check. Nate opened up Zorin's mouth and said Looks like he coughed up blood. Raven said, I had a feeling he must have. He probably wiped it on his black pants. Let me scan him to see if I can find out the problem. Nate scanned Zorin and said This looks bad. We need to take him to my place now! Right after I call someone. Mind if I use your phone Raven? No go right ahead. Nate used the phone, called someone he knew to help him. After they hung up they drove off in a hurry.

When they finally got to Nate's house, the person was already there. Hey thanks for coming Zenith. Zenith what are you doing here? Said Raven. I'm here to help my nephew. Enough talk. We will catch up later. Right now we have to help Zorin. Said Nate. Ok Now what's wrong with him? See for yourself. Zenith touched Nate's shoulder while Nate scanned Zorin. I see this is bad. Raven, do you know how long he has been sick? Well this morning in homeroom, he went to the restroom and was in there for at least 20 min. He came to homeroom pale. Then around lunchtime, I took him here. You should have brought him sooner. This is bad. Can you help him though? Said Raven. Yes. It will be crude. OK Nate. We need to use the fireproof room. Ok. Zenith carried the unconscious Zorin to the Room. They laid Zorin down on a bed and tied him up. Wait! Said Nate. Why are you tying him up? Just for precaution, it's necessary. OK. I have to use the new power I have. It will be painful. OK. Everyone needs to go. I need all the room I can get. Everyone left. Zenith said, Zorin. This is your uncle. You are tied up. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's my fault. This is going to hurt, and I apologize in advance. Zenith cut Zorin's shirt off, and put his hand on Zorin's chest and head. Zenith said, Again, this will hurt and I'm sorry. Zenith closed his eyes and said an incantation in his head and the whole room lit up. Zorin's body lifted up a little while in pain, and screaming. It went on for about 10 min. Then everything went quiet.

Zenith broke the silence. Hey Zorin. Buddy you ok? Zorin wasn't responding. Zenith just thought, I'll let him rest. Zenith walked out the door to tell everyone what happened. Hopefully Zorin would wake up soon, since it's the second time he used his power.

Not Long after Zenith told everyone, Zorin woke up in pain and surprise. Ahh! What the hell happened? Why am I chained up? Zorin shouted. Anyone there?! Hello?! Zenith heard Zorin's voice, and rushed in. Along with Nate, Raven, and Roxas. Hey Zorin. You ok? In a little pain. I'll live. Can I get out of these chains please? OH sorry. Yes. Zenith untied Zorin then talked to him. Uncle what are you doing here? Oh not much. Just helping you out. You were really sick. What the hell happened to you? I know I should have seen you sooner, but I wasn't expecting it to spread this quickly. Thanks for curing me. There is this new person I met while I was on my 4 wheeler ride. I didn't really catch his name. He says he knew you. I see and what did this guy look like? Well lets see. He had silver or white hair, two different color eyes, one blue one green. Looked younger than me. Say no more. I know who you are talking about. Where did you meet him? Did he do this to you? Whatever this is, no he didn't do this to me. I met him at the beach, when I was resting a bit. I was resting on the beach because I started feeling sick. I thought nothing of it. I thought it would go away. But, No he didn't do this to me. Oh he told me he wanted to meet with you in the cave where you were staying. I see thank you Zorin. Uncle? What is this sickness? I don't know kid. You said you started feeling this way starting at the beach? Well no. It started before. I rested at the beach. What were you doing before you rested at the beach. Um...I...Dammit! Raven. I'm sorry. I snuck out last night. I went to that place you told me not to go. That's probably why I got sick. I figured as much. Your symptoms are from a certain poison I know well. Your lucky it was enough that was able to be cured.

Hey kid. You want to make some money? If so why don't you work for me? I own a store called Zenith Tech. Come visit, and I will show you around. Thanks uncle. I think I will. Wait how is Jason. Is he ok? Raven said, I'll call James, Jason should be home now. Raven called James, and said Hello James, Raven here. How is Jason? Oh he's doing fine now. He came home early in a lot of pain. A bad headache from the bad feeling. Is Zorin ok now? Yeah he's fine. That's probably why Jason is now. Hey Raven. Can I talk to Jason? Yeah hold on. James can Zorin talk to Jason? Yeah sure hold on. Jason its your brother. OH thanks. Jason said Hey bro how you feeling? Still in a little pain. otherwise ok. That's good, you still going on your date with Sapph? Yeah that's the plan. She's supposed to be coming over to Ravens in an hour. Oh I also have a date with Mystery. She wanted to go someplace. I didn't get a chance to ask her, but she should be here soon. Ok well, talk later. Enjoy your date with Mystery. Yeah you too with Sapph Later. Yeah see ya bye. Then they hung up. Thanks Raven. Oh Raven we need to get to your place, Sapph will be there in an hour! No worries. Said Raven. I called her, told her where you were, so she will be stopping here. I brought you some clothes to change into. Oh good thanks. Zorin laid back down and closed his eyes.

Ok now, that's settled. Said Zenith. I need to find out what my little friend wanted with me, and what he wanted with Zorin. He said in his mind. Zenith plopped himself on Nates couch. Hey Zen, you doing ok? You look a little worn out. Said Nate. Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired. I have used the power once before. When I first found out, then I used it on Zorin. It tires me out, until I get a little stronger. Well why don't you go to my room, Zen get some sleep. Thanks I think I will take you up on that. So he walked in the room and laid on the bed and immediately fell asleep.