Chapter 2: The Date's

Zorin was still asleep, he had a strange dream, or he thought was a dream. Zorin. I know your uncle Zenith, we were best buddy's. I have to help him, he is in trouble. So are you and your brother Jason. You guys need to come with me, so I can protect you from the.....then he woke up before he could find out what he needed to be protected from. Zorin got up and walked out of the room to the living Room.

Hey everyone. Said Zorin. Hey Zorin. How you feeling? Said Raven. A little headache. Otherwise fine. I need to talk with Zenith. Where is he? Oh he's sleeping. When he used his power to help you, it wore him out. So he used that power. So you know what power it is then huh? Said Raven. Yeah I do. I told him I wouldn't tell until he was ready. OK well. I better start getting ready for my date with Sapph. Are you sure you still want to? Are you feeling well enough? Yeah I will be fine. Ok. Nate said, Showers down the hall to the left, if you want to use it. I have some gel in the mirror cabinet if you need it. Thanks Nate. For everything. Yeah no prob kid. Zorin was off to the shower with his clothes to change in to.

Zenith heard the shower going, and woke up to go to the living room. Hey everyone. Hey Zen. Get enough sleep? Said Nate. Yeah well enough. So Zorin's still going on his date huh? Yeah he is. Said Raven. Ok well. I better go. Said Zenith. Wait. Said Raven. Before you do, can you wait till Zorin can talk to you? He said he had to talk to you about something. Yeah I guess I can stay for a bit.

A few mins later Zorin got out of the shower dried himself off and noticed something on his side. There was a mark he had never seen before, he thought he should just ignore it for now, it might not be anything. He got dressed in his casual clothes then he went to the living room.

Hey everyone. Hey Zorin looking good. So you going 4 wheeling for your date? Said Zenith. Yeah I am. I'll be fine. Raven tells me you need to talk to me about something? Oh yeah. About that.... can I talk to you about it after school tomorrow at your work? Yeah no problem. See you then kid. Thanks uncle.

Before Zenith could leave, there was a knock at the door. He opened the door and Sapph was there. Well hello there pretty girl. Said Zenith. Zenith this is Sapph. No way, this is Sapph? Well Sapph, you grew up very pretty. I knew you when you were a toddler. Yeah so I've heard. Well see ya later Sapph, I better get going. Yeah, bye Zen.

Sapph Said, Ok. So Zorin, how you feeling? I heard what happened. Raven told me. I will be fine. Said Zorin. By the way Zorin, your looking pretty cool. I know right? Thanks. Raven picked it out. You look awesome yourself. Thanks. Well should we go? Yeah. First let's stop by Raven's. So we can get the 4 wheeler there. Yeah sure thing. Bye Raven. See you later. Remember be back by 10. You have school tomorrow. Yeah see ya. Bye Roxas. Bye Zorin have fun. Zorin got on Sapph's 4 wheeler with her, and they were off to Raven's to get the other one.

Raven said, I really worry about that kid. I wonder if he will be ok? Did I do the right thing, taking him in? Nate came by and said, I'm sure he will be fine. I think you did the right thing, taking that boy in. There is something about him I can't quite put my finger on it. Oh well. I guess your right. Thanks Nate. Yeah sure. Well I guess we better get going home. See ya Nate. Yeah see ya guys later. Oh by the way Nate. Said Raven. Instead of living in this house alone, get a girlfriend or at least a roommate. I hate seeing you here all alone. HaHa I'll be fine. I have bad luck with girls as you know. I have a buddy who is a man not a girl who will be looking for a place soon. I told him he could bunk here whenever he needed too. See you later Raven. Then they left.

Jason was getting ready for his date with Mystery, when she called. James answered the phone. Hello? Yeah Jason's here. Hold on. Jason it's Mystery. Thanks uncle. Hey Mystery whats up? I want you to dress casual and ready for a fight. I want to take you someplace. OK, sounds strange, but sure. OK see you in 20 min. OK see you then. Weird. Said Jason. Not knowing he said it out loud. What's weird? Said James. Oh she wanted me to dress for a fight. Well, wherever it is, have fun. Yeah I will try. James chuckled because he knew.

Zorin had just gotten the 4 wheeler and they were off to the track. The track was lit up during the night so it wouldn't be a problem. 5 miles later, they were there. A big surprise party apparently was going on. Behind the fence, his buddies from school were there. Along with their brothers and sisters. What's all this Sapph? Oh just a little celebration that your better. Thanks. You know you didn't have to. I know I wanted too. Oh! My Dad's here too. Oh hey old man. How you feeling kid? Can't complain. I'm going to go ride on the track a bit before I eat. Sapph want to join? Sure be right there. Dad I think something strange is going on with Zorin. I will probably figure it out. I hope so. Now go have fun. Yeah. So she was off on the track. Zorin waited until she got there. OK ready? We are going in 4 rounds. First one to get to the finish line on the 4th round wins. Ok so what should we wager? Said Sapph. OK let me think.... Ok got it. The loser has to do what the winner wants for the rest of the date. Good wager. Ok old man! We are ready! OK. On Your Mark....! Get Set....! Then he shot off a gun. They drove off pretty fast.

Zorin started off in the lead. Then Sapph was side by side. It was the first round Zorin was ahead a few inches then finally Sapph got ahead of Zorin. Dammit it! You got the first round. Said Zorin. Let's see who gets the second. Zorin won the Second round Sapph third. They were on their last lap. Zorin was having a strange pain in his side. He tried to ignore it. Just as he crossed the finish line to win, he crashed. (luckily it was in some hay). Sapph was inches away so she ran up to him. Zorin! Hey Zorin! You ok?! Yeah I think so. What the hell was that?! What happened?! Said Sapph. I don't know. I would like to know myself. Well anyway. I won Sapph. Yeah you did. Sapph helped Zorin up. He seemed fine now. OK. So you won. What would you like me to do? Let's go eat first, and then... He whispered in her ear. Sapph blushed. Ok sounds good. They went off to eat some food. Zorin seemed a little out of breath from all that riding.

After they finished the food and mingled a bit, Sapph said Hey Dad. Me and Zorin are going to go for a ride on our 4 wheelers. I'll be home in an hour or two. OK see you soon. Bye Dad. Bye old man. Bye kids have fun. So they were off.

Mystery got there and said, Wow you look good! Even dressed for a fight. Thanks. You do too. OK, Ok enough flirting get out of here. Said James. Bye little Chloe. See you after school tomorrow. She waved and they left. So where is this place? Said Jason. You will see. Said Mystery. We will be there shortly.

10 miles later they were at an outside dojo. So this is where I am fighting. Really? He said. (annoying tone) Who am I fighting? Oh that's a surprise. You will know when you see them. Fine. They got off the 4 wheelers and went to the dojo.

Ok so now that round is over. The next contestant is finally here. Said the announcer. The next round is Jason Daniels and drum roll please... Zenith Daniels! No way! He came all this way just for this?! He's crazy. What is he thinking?! Hey Jason. Ready to fight me? I heard James has been training you. Let's see how well you learned. I have been waiting to beat you up from being away too long. Now's my chance. Haha.

WARNING: No one under the age of 17 should read these 2 paragraphs. There is adult context on sexual matter. I will put end on it when it ends thank you.

Zorin and Sapph went to a cave. Zorin said, I'm going to start a fire for some light. Ok sounds good. Are you sure your feeling alright enough to do this Zorin? You had a really bad crash. Yeah I'm fine, don't worry. I heal fast. Ok if you say so. They started kissing. Sapph took off Zorin's shirt and saw the mark on his side. Zorin what's that mark on your side it's red. Yeah your right that must have been what that strange pain was. Let's not worry about it, since it doesn't hurt. OK then. They went back to kissing, Zorin undressed Sapph, he went down on her first. He started with kissing her neck. Hmm. Zorin that feels...good. I'm glad. Then he went to her breasts and massaged them at first. Then he sucked her right nipple a bit. Ha Oh Zorin. Then the other. Hmm. Yes. Then he went down to her private area below. Be prepared Sapph. I'm going to lick below. OK. Ha. Then He put his tongue on her clit and started licking. Oh. Zorin. Ha. Sapph you taste so good. Ha. Oh Sapph. Oh Zorin. Yes. I'm cumming. Zorin. Cum then Sapph. Ha Ha oh yes Zorin Yes Zorin Keep going. Ahhh then she convulsed in pleasure.

Then Sapph said, let me do you now. OK. She started with kissing then rubbed her hands all over his back. Then She touched his chest. Is this from the fire? Yeah. I like to keep it covered because its embarrassing. Its not to me. So she kissed it. Hmm Sapph that feels good. Oh really? So she kissed it some more and all over his chest and stomach. Then she went down to his happy place down to his sensitive private area. She started by rubbing it, Ha. Sapph. That feels really good. Hmm. Then she put her mouth on him and started sucking. OH Sapph. Yes. Hmm. Ha ha. He groaned in pleasure. He started squirming so she went faster. Oh Sapph. If you do that I will. Ha. Ha. Sapph. I'm going to cumm. Cumm for me Zorin. Hmm. Sapph. I can't hold it anymore. Ahh. So he came. Do you want to go inside today? Yeah sure. Zorin put a condom on first then said, Ok this might hurt since its our first time. I know Zorin. So Zorin said, I will put it in fast and move slowly ok? Sapph nodded. OK here I go. He did as he promised. Put it in fast. Ahh that hurt. said Sapph. Sorry Sapph. Then Zorin slowly moved until Sapph was starting to feel good. Ha ha. Zorin. Ha ha. I feel good now. Me.. Too.. Hmm. Ha. He turned Sapph over doggy style. Then pentatred. Ha. OH Zorin. I love this position. Ha yes. Oh Zorin you feel so good. Ha ha. You ha. Feel so warm. Ha ha. I'm coming Sapph. Me too. Ha. Ha. Ha Haaaa. They both came. Zorin pulled out and laid down next to Sapph. Ha. Ha. Ha. How was your first time Sapph? It was good. It was good for me too. Want to go another round without the condom? Maybe another time. I'm pooped. Haha. Yeah. Ok. Are you glad I won? Ha ha very funny. I would have suggested the same thing anyway. We should probably get dressed. Yeah.


After they got dressed, Zorin said Well I guess I better get home. Its 9:00 after all. Yeah I guess so. Well I had fun. What about you Zorin? Yeah I did too. They both went to their 4 wheelers and Zorin said, Oh hey. Tell your old man to meet me at Zeniths store. I need to talk to him. Tell him to meet me there about 3:30pm. OK will do. They kissed each other goodbye, and went to their houses.

Jason was a pretty good fighter, he was beating the crap out of his uncle. Until finally the match was done. Jason is the winner! Jason helped Zenith up, and Zenith said, Wow! I guess you did learn something. I never did beat James in a fight. Looks like you might be able too. Yeah. I gotta get home. I had fun. Said Jason. Yeah me too. I'm leaving for home in the morning. I have to meet your brother at my store tomorrow. Yeah we'll talk later. Yeah bye. James and Mystery went to their 4 wheelers. Hey Jason? Did you like my surprise? Yeah. How in the world did you manage to pull it off? I have my secrets. She chuckled. Then they kissed. Hey before we leave....I have a surprise for you. Said Jason. I know I will probably get yelled at, but I don't care. Follow me. They went to a random place, an old clubhouse. OK . Mystery do you want to you know. Jason, I was wondering when you were going to ask. Lets do this. They did the same thing Zorin and Sapph did. They got each other undressed, fooled around and became one. Once they were dressed, Jason said, I had fun. Yeah me too. OK well I better go and be prepared to get yelled at. I am probably going to get warned. Said Mystery. They kissed and went their separate ways to their houses.

Zorin finally got home and said, Raven I'm home. How was your date? Oh it was ok. That's good. Why don't you get ready for bed, you look exhausted. Oh no, I'm fine. I do need to show you something. At first I thought is was nothing, but then I had an accident with the 4 wheeler, because of the pain. Ok let's see where this mark? Zorin took off his shirt to show her the mark. It was red when the pain came. I haven't seen this mark before. Roxas have you? No I haven't. Well maybe Zenith has. Why don't you get to bed and ask Zenith tomorrow when you meet with him. Yeah good Idea. Night guys. See you tomorrow. Then Zorin got to bed and went to sleep.

Jason got home as well and said Uncle I'm home. How was your date? The date went ok. I fought your brother by the way. Yeah I know. James you knew too? So was I the only one who didn't? Hey your girlfriend wanted to surprise you. Yeah it went great though. I beat the crap out of him, but not before I got a few bruises. Will you be ok? Do you want me to heal them? I'll be fine they are not that bad. Hey uncle is it true that Zenith never won a fight against you? He told you huh? No he didn't. That is true but every time we fought, I got better and better. Your not going to yell at me for being late? No not tonight. I figure your fight must have made you late. Thanks uncle. Night. Night Jason see you in the morning. He went to bed as well. Hey James. said Rose. You really think the fight went on that long? No. I am not going to scold him for spending time with his girlfriend. Yes I knew what he was probably doing.